Sunday, June 1, 2008

Today's Observations

    We are staying at the Morgan's with Emma, Bella and Kai (the dog) for a few days. Here are just a few things I've noticed today-

  1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a weird movie. I'm not sure which one is weirder- the old or new one. I watch them over and over again, but they really are absurd.

  2. Having a dog is therapeutic. I've never been a dog person, especially not an inside dog, but Kai (the Morgan's dog) has changed my mind. She is very sweet and calm. And when she doesn't want to get in her crate, she rolls over on her back and looks at you playfully upside down, almost smiling, coaxing you to let her stay out. Its so sad, I hate to make her get in!

  3. More kids does not equal more stress. Going from one child to two, that was hard. But adding more than that is surprisingly easy!

  4. The Morgan's house is very relaxing.

  5. It is more fun to cook and clean in someone else's house.

  6. Today is the first time I've ever walked a dog.
  7. Most insane televangelist quote tonight: "When you release your $1000 seed, God will release the harvest from His hand!" That's a whole other blog post!
  8. No matter what mood I'm in, Norah Jones music fits.
  9. I love how Ansley grabs my face and rubs noses with me.
  10. Cullen looks like his Daddy, but has mostly my personality. I'm just noticing this.


Kim said...

Is it hard to walk a dog? That doesn't sound very ladylike to me. Perhaps you had your parasol?

heather said...

I am so proud of you walking a dog. I can say I was not a huge dog or pet person until Max. He is so sweet and fun. Hush Kim Hill somebody brought up dogs and it wasn't me so I am free to go on and on about my baby dog. And it is so cool to see yourself and your husband in your children I love that.

Laura said...

You can cook and clean at my house any time!!!!

Seriously, we love you guys and we're so thankful that you're there!

Anonymous said...

Ginger, when you are finished at the Morgan's your welcome to come to my house and cook and clean.

Scott H said...

"Going from one child to two, that was hard. But adding more than that is surprisingly easy!"
Hmm, sounds like a news break is up coming! Gonna have to update the Newsbits pregger list?

Emma said...

I'm glad you are having a good time at our house! Don't let Kai charm you into whatever she wants, she's very good at it. ;) Silly dog.
See you tonight!

Paige M said...

I have to disagree with you about the "surprisingly easy" quote. I'm not sure if you agree with that 100% yourself. You'd have to go without groceries for a while. Remember, you can't take them all to Wal-Mart. Hee hee