Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day

When I hear "Boxing Day", I always thought of a bunch of guys with boxing gloves ready to duke it out. I learned yesterday that's not really what it is.

Boxing Day, traditionally, is a day to share with the poor. An Alms Box was placed in the church on Christmas Day, into which worshippers placed a gift for the poor of the parish. These boxes were opened the day after Christmas, which is why its known as Boxing Day. Cool, huh?

Other Boxing Day traditions:

Boxing Day Hunt: Horse riders in red & white riding gear, accompanied by a number of foxhounds, chase a fox through the countryside.
In Nov 2004, MPs voted a ban hunting w/ dogs in England & Wales. As from Feb 18, 2005 hunting w/ dogs became a criminal offense. Although it is still legal to exercise hounds, chase a scent and flush out foxes to be shot. Hmmm...that makes sense.

Many families watch sports, play board games or take a walk through the countryside together.

And just like any good holiday, its gone completely away from how it was intended due to greed of man, and is now a big shopping day! Lots of Brits spend their early morning in queues (lines), waiting to be first through the doors.
What used to be a day off for the lower class, to help the lower class, is now a work day for them in the shops so everyone else can spend money. Sad, really.

I enjoyed learning about Boxing Day and look forward to celebrating it in the future!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Traditional English Christmas

This morning, I was curious of what people in England were doing today and what traditions will I learn about in my future home. As suspected, there is not a lot of difference than America, but here are a few interesting points. Also, check out the Queen's Message...

On Christmas Eve, children leave Father Christmas a snack of mince pies and brandy, sherry or milk, and a carrot for his reindeer. Much better than our cookies and milk, I must say!

A Traditional Christmas Dinner
Roast Turkey (Henry VIII was the 1st person to have turkey on Christmas)
Brussels Sprouts
Nutty Stuffing
Cranberry Sauce
Roast Potatoes
Parsnips and Swede

Mince Pies- (mince fruit pies)
Christmas Pudding- brown pudding with raisins and cherries, served w/ brandy sauce

Many people go to church on Christmas Day to sing carols and celebrate the birth of Jesus. More people attend church on this day than any other during the year.

The Queen's Message is broadcast every Christmas Day on radio and television at 3pm. Click here to watch this year's message.

Tomorrow is Boxing Day...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Celebrating Nine Years

Here's to nine wonderful years and a long, happy life together...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12 Loves of Christmas

Here's a list of 12 things I love about Christmas- in no certain order...

12. Long breaks from school and work

11. Holiday Drinks: Egg Nog and Apple Cider

10. Picking out the perfect gift for my children

9. Family dinners= yummy food + laughing with family

8. Teaching my children about giving and receiving

7. Grandmother's Date Nut Balls and other foods I only get at Christmas

6. The glow of the Christmas tree in the evening

5. Santa's White Christmas coffee from Barnies

4. parties with my best friends

3. decorating and wrapping gifts

2. Reading the Christmas Story and Night Before Christmas

1. Reflecting on the greatest Gift af all- JESUS

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What He Has Shown Me Today

We've been studying about repentence in a bible study for the past couple of weeks.
I really see God like an earthly father, which can be good and bad, I suppose. The good part is that since I haven't had a father since I was seven, I feel very close to God in that since. He has always felt very real, very close. But, then there's the bad part. As I ponder on it, I realize there are times in my life where I revert back to being a teenager, like I'm dealing with an earthly father. I will try to talk Him into doing what I want or rebelling against him and just hoping that He'll let it slide and not bother me too much about it. Where's the reverence? Isn't He so much better than that? Does He not think better of me than to just "let it slide". Can intimacy occur withour respect? I don't think so.

Here's a quote:
"Fears the Lord". Reverence might be a better word. Awe. The Bible isn't interested in whether we believe in God or not. It assumes that everyone more or less does. What it is interested in is the response we have toward Him. Will we let God be as He is, majestic and holy, vast and wonderous, or will we always be trying to whittle Him down to the size of our small minds, insist on confining Him within the boundaries we are comfortable with, refuse to think of him other than in images that are convenient to our lifestyle."
-Eugene Peterson

I have been asking God to show me my sin, and in the midst of that, He is showing me more about Him. He is so good...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I must Give Props

I must give props to my homegirl-fellow Tennesseean Hayley Williams from Paramore for giving a great interview with Robert Pattinson (aka Edward). Paramore is a great band you must check out (scroll down for video- Decode) Rob likes her Tennessee accent (**insert 12 yr old girl giggle**)Click link below to watch...

MySpace Artist on Artist- Rob and Hayley

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Better the Second Time

I'm sitting here, utterly exhausted after my four hours of sleep, since I went to the midnight premiere of Twilight. After we took the kids to the in-laws this morning, we went Christmas shopping and then to see Twilight...AGAIN!

I do not want to discourage anyone from seeing it, but the first time I was upset. The reality is that a movie is never as good as the movie that plays in your head while your reading the book. I had my own idea of Edward, Bella, the Cullens, the action scenes and I think if the director could see inside my head it would have been awesome! I went back today, because I was determined to feel better about it. I don't like being upset with the Cullen family, since I feel like I'm apart of it. So, I had to mend what was broken and give Edward a chance to redeem himself. And he did. I feel better now. I liked it since I went in kind of knowing what to expect, removing my own HUGE expectations.

Trace was very sweet to sit through the girl movie and he liked it ok. He wished there would have been more ripping of flesh.

Thanks, girls, for making last night so fun! Especially Whitney and Virge for the lovely gifts that made it extra special. Sorry I ranted...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Help! I'm Being Held Hostage by Vampires!

Sorry, I haven't been blogging lately. I am definetly waaaaayyy too preoccupied with reading the Twilight series...

Seeing the movie in 7 days, perhaps then I can get on with my life.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Puttin' Em to Work

Today Trace was at the AL game, so me and the kiddos were here all day. It was a fun,relaxing day where we cleaned, played and ate candy. They begged me to let them wash dishes and clean the fridge. No, really. I promise...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thrift Store Dreams are Made of

Yesterday, Laura and I went had a fabulous time! We heard of a thrift store for missionaries, "Missions Boutique", by Briarwood Pres. For those who don't know, my friends and I love going to thrift stores! So, with our "missionary licence" in hand (prayer card as proof) we set off in anticipation. We entered the thrift store and it was rinky dink. But, the lady working there said as we walked in "You must be missionaries!" Is it that obvious? Oh,no. "Why,yes, we are." She asked us some questions, trying to decide if we qualify for Missions Boutique and we convinced her. So, she led us there. We thought we were in it, but she led us through the store, through a door, up the stairs into an "inner room"(think top secret 007-type situation) to a fabulous collection of clothing! I found a Banana Republic coat, great shirts,denim jacket, funky pants, some great Ralph Lauren stuff for Cullen, Nautica shirts for Trace,and a whole new wardrobe for Ansley! About 25% of it still had the tags and it was all name brand, stylish stuff! Wanna know the grand total of my finds: FREE! That's right ladies and gents!! We didn't figure that out right off- you know me, it takes awhile to catch on times. We even called Kim Hill for some fashion questions and she confirmed it was in!

Speaking of Kim, we are going to spend the weekend with them! We leave in a couple of hours and we are so EXCITED!!! It will be a fabulous reunion with our dear friends! And I made cinnamon toast this morning. I don't make that nearly enough. I love the way it fills my home with the smell of warm, buttery,cinnamony goodness...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Keeping Busy

I'm really trying to stay busy today. I don't know why I don't just relax, because I am so tired! But, I must stay busy. My Grandmother left this morning to go home. She came and kept us company since Sat and I wouldn't have made it this week without her! Since she left, I have planted mums, potted mums, worked outside, made rice crispy treats, surfed the web, emailed folks and now blogging.

I've been staying up until at least midnight every night and its starting to catch up with me. If I stop, I'm done.

Got an email from my man today, and I was so excited! He's really having a great,productive trip, its what he needed!

So, anyone friendly reading this: come over, we'll eat, talk and drink coffee and tea or go somewhere fun. I sense some long days ahead...

Monday, October 13, 2008

House Builders, Barbies and Loose Teeth

I love funny conversations I have with my kids in the car. Here are a couple of funnies from the last couple of days...

Cullen: "Mom, when I grow up I wanna be a house builder. And a soccer player that plays the guitar. And a chef. But, first I want to hammer houses."

Ansley: "Mom, when I grow up I wanna be a Barbie!"

And today...

Cullen: "Mom! I have a loose tooth! Because of an apple!"

Me: "Oh, Cullen! That's so exciting!"

Cullen: "Can we pull it out when we get home?"

Me: "I'll look at it at home."

Ansley: "Mom, you can pull all my teeth out when we get home,too?"

Cullen: "My tooth will come out today. Logan has a loose tooth,too, but his will come out on a Wednesday."

Friday, October 10, 2008

All By My Lonesome

Can you see my pouty lip and sad face? My hubby left today to go to England. Its gonna be a long 10 days!

The kiddos and I have had a very full day. I went with the Moody first grade to Old Baker Farm today, which was lots of fun! We petted animals, went on a hayride, got pumpkins and ate lunch in a barn loft. Good times. This afternoon I carved the pumpkins, which I've never done until today. They are cute and all lit up. I'd post pics, but Trace has the camera on another continent.

Then, I was at Hargis Retreat Center just long enough to be really bummed out about missing the retreat with all my lovelies.

Ansy and MiMi had a day of shopping together. And for dinner, we have NOTHING kid friendly to make. And after the day I had we were NOT going to the store. (I don't take my children grocery shopping on a good day) Off to Mickey D's for the 2nd time today (first time was for ice cream cones with Zac & Eric Nold- after school treat)to get $1.00 cheeseburgers and then Taco Bell for Mama a Bean Burrito. We all ate for exactly $3.29. Frugal is my middle name.

Indiana Jones playing in the background and I wish I had something to smock...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Froggy Fears

Last night, Laura was bringing me home after a fun night at the Morgans! As we approach the door, we saw a little frog on it. I froze. Then, it jumped up the door and I jumped away! About that time it jumped on my wreath and stayed there camouflaged and staring at us. Well, we were totally creeped out and afraid to go by it, thinking it would jump in the house. Well, we were trying to be quiet because it was late and my family was in bed, but we were laughing, jumping around and freaking out. Trace heard the commotion (guess we weren't that quiet afterall)and opened the door, to which we panicked and said "No, frog!" In the end, he thought we were a little silly and crazy, but the frog stayed on the wreath.

On this lovely rainy morning, I get Cully off to school, come back in and even answer the door without a thought of the frog. Then, as I was opening the door to listen to the rain, I remember. Where's the frog? Is it still on the wreath? No. Could it have gotten out in the middle of the night? Not likely. Did it come in the house? Aaaaahhhh! Now, I have a fear of going anywhere in the house and a squishy frog there beside me. What if I don't find it until after Trace is gone? How will I handle that, alive or dead? Ugh. Fears surround me.

These creepy feelings stem from a night when I woke up to something cold and slimy landing on my head when I was asleep. I felt my forehead and it was a frog. I spent the rest of the night looking for the frog and not going back to sleep. That was years ago...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thought for the Day

There's nothing I can do to make God love me more

There's nothing I can do to make God love me less

Isn't that amazing to think about?

Monday, September 29, 2008

I Love Our New Home!

We are almost unpacked, somewhat organized and are getting used to our new place. I've been to the pool house ALOT, but never slept here until now. A place, even a familiar place, feels very different when you live there.

I love to open the windows first thing in the morning and feel the breezes. It makes everything so fresh.

I love to lay on my bed and read and smell the Sweet Olive tree outside my window. Those trees are wonderful and they have a couple around the house. You get a whiff of it every once and awhile when you're outside. I hope there are Sweet Olive trees in England.

I love that there is soooo many places to play outside! We bought the kids their first real bikes this week. There is a great place to ride here. We didn't play much outside at the old house since it was such a tiny lot, so they have really started loving the outdoors.

I love that it is so safe-feeling here. Not really meaning crime, it felt safe at our old neighborhood. But, that the Claytons are next door, the Boykins are beside them and the Johnsons are across the street. The kids can go far and they are safe and have PLENTY of kids to play with!

I love the house, how colorful it is. Those of you who have been to our old house knows it was all the same color- Latte. We didn't change much because we knew we wouldn't be there long and wanted it to remain neutral. I love the colors in these rooms, all different and cheerful.

Its been so nice and therapeutic to be here. I am so thankful for how the Lord has provided richly for us through His people.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Greatest House Sale Ever!

It has been awhile since I've blogged. You can always tell a busy blogger, and I've had way too much on my plate lately! But now, things should be chilling out. We're done with training for awhile, we're getting settled into our new abode and we sold our house! Yes, that's right! And let me just tell you about the goodness of the Lord is that situation...

We had built a good connection with the buyers and their agent. They know why we are selling our home. We had what seemed to be a road block in closing on Monday, it was settled fairly easy once I talked to the right person and we were back on track. Closing went very well and afterwards we were just giddy! I didn't want to seem too happy because then they might worry we sold them a lemon or something, but we had a few sighs of relief. When we were leaving the couple handed us a check for support toward our ministry! Isn't that amazing!!! Not only did God sell our home in this market, one of four identical homes on our street, at the perfect time for so many reasons, He also used them to fund our ministry!! That's just too cool! We prayed since the beginning that God would be glorified through this house sale and He really has!! Praise Him! He continues to confirm His will for us! Awesome!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So Far This Week...

Just woke up from a long nap, so words may not make sense. I should've went hiking and exploring with Trace instead. Its been a fabulous week, with teaching from Dr. Kooistra 2 or 3 times per day, getting to know Tom May, no TV, commecting with friends who have so very much in common and can relate to our unusual struggles...

Wow! I have really been able to see alot of my sin and my idols this week, which is not fun, but God is so gracious.

This week is called Living in Grace, applying grace to our lives everyday and to the people around us. Some cool snippets from this week so far: Humility is the overall look of grace. Without humility, you can't have the fruit of the Spirit, holiness, ministry or greatness. Also, we must have a posture of repentence. Not just when we sin, but always knowing even our best is tainted (I'll get in more later). I've been like a sponge because Dr. Kooistra a great guy to listen to, very funny, loving and wise. And it helps to go into a small group and discuss immediately how to apply what we've learned, You can't really do that in real life, so much good stuff can be lost.

Now, I'm a little more awake, so I can go get ready for dinner. I really shouldn't take naps, I'm mush the rest of the day!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Living in Grace

Hey! We're in the mtns of North Carolina ("North Carolina, come on and raise up, take your shirt off, wave it 'round yo head like a helicopter" anybody remember that song?) Anyway, we are at the Living in Grace conference and its going very well. We're with some MTW friends from other training events and our small group leader is Tom May. Funny! We are having a great, somewhat relaxing week, especially after the insanity of last week! We are at a Ridge Haven, high in the mtns with no TV or cell phone service (Thank you very much TMOBILE!). But, we do have internet, yippee!

We can't really call and check on our babies, so please call my cell, talk to my mom and then email me and tell me the kids are happy. Thank you.

They are feeding us well and tonight we got to eat dinner with Paul Kooistra, MTW's main man, so that was a treat. Please pray for us as we are gone, travelling, learning, reconnecting and missing our babies. This is great stuff we are hearing and I am praying that I can really rest in the Lord this week.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Praise the Lord!! They accepted our counter-offer! So, we have a home inspection on Monday morning and plan to close on Sept 22. Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Its driving me crazy that I can't be here before or during the home inspection(the kids and I will be in TN). I know Trace can handle everything and make things look great, but I have a need to oversee. He can handle all better than I ever could. As if I can do any repairs or anything! Its dumb, I know.

Please pray that everything goes smoothly all the way to closing! Thank you for all your prayers so far!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We Got an Offer!!

Well, the folks came last night and stayed an hour! So, we were encouraged. And just now, they called us with an offer. We will meet with our agent in the morning to look at it.

Its very exciting, but I still can't let myself get too excited. I have to bring myself back to reality!

Please pray that we can come to an agreement that is good for everyone and that the process will go smoothly.

Thanks for your prayers! We'll keep you posted!

Monday, August 25, 2008

House Update

Well, prayers must be working! One couple that looked at our house on Sat is still interested. Their agent called us tonight and talked to Trace for awhile to get the scoop on our home. Then, she called our agent and schedule a time to come back tomorrow for another look! So, Please be praying Tuesday at 5:30pm they are coming back! Pray that they will love it and God will move them to buy it if He so desires. Pray for us, too, that we won't get too excited and disappointed if it doesn't work out.

Thanks friends! Oh, and me and the kids need a place to go while they are looking...uh um...I'm just saying

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rainy Day

I'm loving the rain today. Even though I had to leave my house for two hours with the kiddos because we had two different appointments to see house!! Yippee! Bring it on! We rode around for awhile trying to decide what to do. If it weren't raining, we'd go to the park or swim, but it was just messy today! We ended up going to Chic-Fil-A to eat and play. It was so nice, to let them play in a soundproof room where I could see them having fun. I could sit and enjoy a quiet lunch by myself and wave at them periodically. My only regret is I should have brought a magazine! Then, we all had IceDream cones! Yum!

After that, we tried to go to the Moody library, but in true Moody fashion, it was closed on Saturday! So, we went to the church library and had just as much fun. And they could be louder than a normal library, since we were all alone in the building!

It was a fun afternoon after a stressful morning of cleaning and preparing for showings!

Friday, August 22, 2008


The last couple of days have had some fun surprises- but I've decided to start in reverse order-

Tomorrow we have TWO different house showings!!! Please pray that one of those will be the one who can't live without our house!

Today, I went to Food World for a good deal! I had a coupon for $25 gift card if you transfer a prescription. I needed a refill anyway, so I went there to transfer. Got my gift card and got me $25 in free groceries! Love it as the world's most frugal grocery shopper! (Once at Aldi I bought 2 weeks worth of groceries for $49)

Last night we had the Sharps over, minus Chris. It was lots of fun, spontaneously done, which I like. We decided to do it at like 4:30 and Crissy even brought me a Hazelnut Breve (my favorite)from Starbucks! The kids played hard while we chatted and played on the computer. It was fun times! We love spontaneous get togethers, so if you're feeling froggy, come on over! We'll feed ya and have lots of fun!

Well, gotta go clean...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ginger Needs...

I accepted Missy's challenge of googling my name and "needs" after it. I was a little frighted at first of what I might see, but it was pretty funny! Here goes...

Ginger needs to be grated into tiny glob

Ginger needs your help

Ginger needs YOU!!

Ginger needs a forever home

Ginger needs dog training

Ginger needs loving

Ginger needs water

Ginger needs info on how urine tests work (Hmmm..)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Before & After

We painted Ansley's room this weekend. Lookie lookie at the before and after pics!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A New Leaf

I am reading another book- took Kim Hill's advice and started reading Jane Eyre. I read the first four chapters in one sitting last night. That's unusual for me, I do not love to read. I get sleepy, antsy, and my track record is about three chapters, then I'm done. But, there have been a few that are incredible and I can't put them down. This one is good. I remember my grandmother saying she loves the Bronte sisters, loving Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. I initially skipped the intro, because to me its not considered part of the book and that's reading more than I committed to. But, as I was reading, I just wasn't feeling it, so I went back and read the intro. It was about the Bronte family and that's an interesting and tragic story. So, then I could jump into Jane Eyre and enjoy it more.

We've also been watching the Olympics. The only things I have been remotely interested in is Beach volleyball and Michael Phelps. Ansley is most concerned that the men are wearing girl bathing suits (babin' soups).

Well, at the start of a new school year and a new lifestyle for the Donahoos, I am turning over a new leaf. I'm seeking to be more organized, pray more specific things, reading classics, be skinny again and redecorate my house. My tendency is when I'm stressed I pile on more things to be stressed about and bake alot. I haven't been baking as much, but I am obsessed with getting a new sewing machine or getting mine fixed. I feel a need to sew. (?)

Monday, August 11, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance?

Our children love to dance! They got moves...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today we...

Dressed up like chefs...
painted pieces for a model airplane...

and got haircuts! (We also ran a lot of errands. One thing we didn't do...clean the house! Notice all the junk in the background?)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Momma Mia!

Today, I feel exhausted, unproductive, grumpy, stopped up (darn Alabama allergy culprits)...
but last night I had the time of my life!

A group of ladies and I went to see Momma Mia! at 10pm, so we were tired and been couped up all day! That movie was really funny, but not as funny as the company I was with! Those women make things more fun! I laughed until I was crying and head hurting! Go see it, but wait until its late, you are in a silly mood, have chocolate in hand and some good friends that love to have fun. And just know it is a total musical, not just a few silly musical parts.

Loved it girlies! Best time I've had in a while!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Today Is Fun

This morning I got up at 6:45 and went walking around the neighborhood. That was nice. Now that school is starting back, I need to get back in a routine. A summer of eating lots and exercising none is showing on me!

We went to a super fun bowling party this morning! Adults bowled while the children bowled, so we had lots o' fun! Now, I am able to blog in the middle of the day because Maggie Sharp came home with us to play with Ansley! Yay!! And Eric came to play with Cully! Double Yay!! They wanted to play Star Wars because they both got new light sabers for their birthday, but instead are sitting beside each other on the couch playing separate Nintendo DS's. Oh, how playtime has changed.

Tonight is 1st grade orientation! We will meet his teacher and take all his many bags of school supplies. I'll have to lug them all myself to the door since Mr. Donahoo will not be there. He is Coach Donahoo now- started coaching a JV Football team in Clay-Chalkville today. So, he went early to the school, went bowling with us at the party, made some phone calls to churches and is going back to start practice this afternoon. He won't be home til 7ish. Its just for 8 weeks, I keep saying.

So, now, not to waste my time as my children are both thoroughly entertained...I must get to work doing something. Not sure what, but something!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What Can I Say?

I have so many things in my head, yet I'm not sure what to blog about. I made a slide show of our trip just so I wouldn't have to blog, but I couldn't get it to work. Darn it! I know my feelings, but they are too hard to explain. And I'm whiny and faithless. Just gonna throw that out there.

I've been discouraged because when we step out and do what we feel God is telling us to do, I want Him to deliver. I need to see Him work, I need something BIG to happen. I want to see my house sell or more support to come in or something.

These past couple of weeks have taken its toll on us. We are down, tired and a little scared. I have so many things that need to be done and all I want to do is go back to bed and pull the covers over my head!

But, alas, we charge ahead. God is providing, which is BIG in itself. We are just putting our heads down and going forward, because what else can we do?

We are very excited about fellowship with our church family tonight! We are going to another community group because ours can't meet and we desperately NEED fellowship and love today.

Friday, August 1, 2008

So Good To Be Home

Yes, we were gone for 8 days to the Gulf Coast and yes, I said its good to be back in Moody. Our trip was half vacation and half fund raising, but it was all emotionally draining! We felt attacks at every turn and it was a difficult week. Today, we've been so tired and haven't easily gotten back into routine. Our children have, they are so glad to back to their home with their toys! Ansley has played ALL DAY LONG in her room and hasn't wanted to leave! Cully and I went to Wal-Mart to buy school supplies-Yikes! That was almost as emotionally draining as our trip!

We did have a good time, don't think it was torture. We just were tired and stressed, which takes a toll on you and at the two churches we were confronted with some attack. We spent half the week in Destin and it was fun and free! And when we were in Fairhope, it was good too. I got to catch up with some old friends and see how their families have grown and changed. We stayed with Scotty and Lisa, a couple from Fairhope that we've known for 8 yrs. They were married last year and they are so sweet! They really served us, cooked and wouldn't let us clean much. They hung out with us and played with our babies and their home was a refuge, a safe place. We are so thankful for friends like them! We hope to go back in a couple of months to spend time with others we weren't able to see this time around.

The more I visit other churches, the more thankful I am for our church family and leaders! Our church is awesome!! We desperately missed our family and are so glad to be back! I am going to Crissy's house tonight to see my sisters and come in with my arms open-needing care and fellowship! I'm so excited!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday to our Sweet Boy

Today, Cullen turns 6 yrs old! I can't believe it! This picture is from last year at his 5th birthday because we are still celebrating today! We are leaving Fairhope today, so we'll make over him a little at lunch, drive home and give him a little present tonight.

God has blessed us with a sweet, smart, loving, precious boy- We are so proud of you, Cully Wully!
And, then, current pictures to come later...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beach or Bust

Today we head down to Destin for a vacation/support raising trip for 8 days. We will be in Destin until Sunday afternoon, then we go to Fairhope to stay for the rest of the trip. I am excited, but just like every trip I have anxiety. So, once we arrive I'll be happy. I got up early to clean the house and finish packing. Um, I'm doing that. Can't you tell?

We will be speaking to two churches while we are there and hopefully some individuals who may be interested in supporting us. I hope we'll have Internet access while we are there, if not we'll go crazy!

Please pray for safe travel and for us as we speak to churches and individuals about England.

Have a great week!

Monday, July 21, 2008

He's Back!!

So, you think my new look is too busy? Chinese restaurant, huh?

Well, while I'm finding an acceptable template, check out Trace's blog! He has re-entered blog world!


I really am tired of checking my blog and seeing the same old pictures. I needed a change, although I'm not sure this is it. I like this template, but I'm gonna keep looking. So, it might be different next time!

Today, I have a very chilled out sort of day. I've cleaned a little, done a little work on the computer, done a lot of school work and coloring with the babies and now I'm waisting lots of time by finding new templates for my blog.

I'm gonna enjoy my low-key day because tomorrow will be busy!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sweeney Todd

Last night we watched the movie Sweeney Todd. Ever seen it? If you answered no, then don't! Trace picked it out and he has a horrible track record when it comes to picking out movies (just had to thrown that in). Here are a list of thoughts about Sweeney Todd (ya know how I like lists!)
  1. Its horrible, dark, bloody and creepy.
  2. It was directed by Tim Burton- need I say more?
  3. It has Johnny Depp- which I have a fascination with. He's been a hottie for like three decades, although is very mysterious and creepy.
  4. Its a musical, which is annoying. Its a gory musical!
  5. It does not have closure at the end-which I hate!!! It must be wrapped up in a pretty litle package at the end. Do not leave me guessing!
  6. It is 2 hours of my life I will never get back, and I have to keep thinking about it today. Darn it!
  7. It looks like they are in London during the Plague, dirty, black, matted hair, rats, meat pies...
  8. It won Best Actor and Best Film-what the heck?

I'm thoroughly creeped out!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lesson in Humility #176

Sunday, we went and spoke at Avondale United Methodist Church. As we drive down the interstate, our front passenger hubcap flies off! It rolls down the road being dodged by cars, causing near-wrecks. Lovely. Ya see, the night before I asked him to check the air in the tires. He had to remove the hubcap to get to the air thingie (technical term) and put it back on. Not good enough,apparently.

I begged Trace to go find it and put it back on, but he wouldn't. He was afraid to "walk on the interstate". He might get "hit by a car" and "people get killed doing that sort of thing". What a wimp.

I hate to see cars without hubcaps! I mean no harm to my friends that may not have all their hubcaps. I just felt like such a stereotypical poor missionary family driving down the road to raise support. Yuck.

Trace just laughed, saying its a lesson in humility for me. "This is what your life will be like, girl" he said.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Random Tidbits About Today

My first time to blog in a couple of weeks...what do I say?

I'm watching Spiderwick Chronicles with Cully (Ansy's asleep on the couch). Its pretty cute but kinda creepy.

Today was a roller coaster of a day. We are planning the World Series Banquet again (what we lovingly call "the feeding of the 500")on Friday. First, I thought we needed to smoke 90 pounds of BBQ, which I've never done. Then, we found a restaurant to cook it for FREE, but then Food World knew nothing about the 90 pounds of Boston Butt we ordered! Well, they found the meat and quoted us a price, but once I got there to buy it, they wouldn't honor their price! Sooo, I (yes, little non-confrontational me) had to talk to the store manager, who told me that if I bring back my receipt tomorrow he'll give me a refund to match the price he gave me originally. Yeah, that's convenient. Thanks Mr. Store Manager. Love ya.

But, this morning I did talk to my friend Jessica. That was fun, to catch up.

I really need to be working on other things, like Children's Ministry stuff and Missions Applications. But, I really wanted to blog...about absolutely nothing. That's what you're thinking, if you got this far. I know.

My hands and feet are itching off! I am in the lingering last stages of Fifth Disease, which is a virus that comes with a rash. Cully had it two weeks ago, and I've had it over a week. My hands and feet itch so bad and are swelling a little. I couldn't even sleep last night! I now have a taste of what poor Ansy goes through with her eczema. Poor baby!

Well, I should wrap it up. No more things are popping in my head. Later...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Stuck At Home

Yes, I am. Trace took the van, left me the carseat but didn't leave a key to the car. I had a long to do list and now it will all be pushed until tomorrow. OK.

It wouldn't hurt anything for me to stay home a day. I am always going, going, going. There are so many things to do here! I can go through the kids' clothes and toys, clean out closets, dust, read and play with my babies, etc...

So, anyone want to come over? I've got some fresh cucumbers, squash and cookies(in my best luring voice)... Come on! You know you want to!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ooh, Ooh That Smell...

AAAHHH! I am forever smelling pee-pee! I don't think if you were to walk in my house you'd smell pee, but its in my nostrils.

My three-yr-old, who is the culprit behind all the pee, is challenging (putting it nicely). I like Maja's term for her- "The One God Uses to Sanctify Me". Anyway, she is potty trained, at least most of the time. She never wets the bed, never has accidents in public or at MDO, but for some reason she will pee in front of the toilet-in the floor! Yeah, IN FRONT OF THE TOILET!!! Then, she proceeds to walk around in it before she comes through the house to find me and tell me of her deed. So, I find pee-pee footprints in the carpet, usually by stepping on them! Darn it!

It wouldn't irritate me so if she was playing and forgot and even peed in the floor of her bedroom. That I can understand. But, its worse when she stands IN FRONT OF THE TOILET (I just have to cap that everytime because its so absurd), pee always gets on the hand wash only bathroom rug and I end up not knowing where the pee is on the carpet throughout the house (until we step on it).

Why such a frustration? She does all the time! Its happened twice in three days! At least twice a week she does this! And we just cleaned all the carpet in the house because we need to sell it. (Hope no potential buyers are reading this!)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Highlights From Today

My last post was a little heavy, but my day was light and fun! So, here are some fun highlights from my day:

  1. Went swimming at Maja's - That's always fun! I love being with all those special ladies! The crowd was light today, which was nice because with less children, the Mommas could actually get in the pool and have fun too!
  2. Getting a swimsuit!- Yeah, I know, that's not usually an enjoyable topic. Heather and I went together (post-swimming) with our kids. Wasn't sure how smart of an idea that was, but to our surprise they were excellent! We went to TJ Maxx, where we found millions of swimsuits and they all fit, except for the whole cleavage thing! So, then we headed to Wal-Mart where I found the one I originally liked, so I bought it. It covers where it needs to, so to celebrate, we split an Almond Joy! It was so fun trekking across B'ham with ya, Heather!
  3. I got to talk to Kim! She called and we got to chat for a few minutes and the boys talked. Cully and I both needed that! We miss the Hills terribly!! As badly as I need the time to prepare for Camp Cornerstone, I want it to be here so we can see our friends!
  4. Eric is spending the night with us! - Eric is really a funny, sweet kid. It is always good for Cully to have a friend over to keep him busy! They have played nonstop, and now they are watching Star Wars in their sleeping bags. Yes, its almost 11pm (Sorry Heather) At 9pm, Eric asked if they could stay up late. I asked "What time do you normally go to bed?" He answered " On days I have school...7:00". Well, little guy, you're already staying up late. At least they showered and brushed teeth, I'm not all fun and games! It's summer!
  5. The house is dark and quiet and mostly clean. I am sleepy, but I want to stay up and read and savor the quiet. I'm reading I Capture the Castle again. Umm, so good! If you haven't read it, you must borrow my copy immediately(well, when I'm finished or if you can refer me to another excellent read)!

Good night all!


This topic has really been on my mind the last few days. Trace is the Mercy Ministry chairman, so he handles the mercy calls. He really doesn't tell me much, but there are some tough cases that he needs to share sometimes and we'll pray together for them.

Sometimes the people who call are con artists from way back and need a good, swift kick in the pants (at least, that's what I think). That's where I see God's call on Trace to do this job is so evident. He is a gracious and merciful man and will try to show them the gospel, even when he has to tell them "No". My first reaction is to roll my eyes and dismiss them. I can be skeptical and cynical at times.

Then, there are times of real need. This week, there seems to be a real need to rescue. Please pray for this family, as there are a lot of children involved and its very messy. That's what grabs my heart, the helpless children who don't understand, still trying to deal with very real emotions and changes in their life with little or no support. And how will this effect them as adults? I hope that we can help rescue these people and they will see Jesus and He will change their lives for the next generation. I'm so glad He uses His people to do this! How wise He is!

From this, I see our spiritual need for mercy. But, beyond that, I have had to deal with fears in my own heart. I've mentioned before my struggle is God's Provision. I deal with anxiety that He will one day pull the rug out from under me and we will have nothing. That's ridiculous, I know. But it happens to people everyday, one big thing happens (losing a job or in an accident) and they lose everything and struggle to obtain any kind of stability. I've had to pray for the Lord to help me work through those thoughts this week and trust Him. We are about to be at a place in our lives where we will own very little, during a time when people work their whole lives to have every possession. I want to give up any need for control and just rest in Him.

I'm thankful for all the beautiful things He has blessed me with and a relationship with the Creator, that I know I can rest in Him. Most people don't know the goodness of God, the loving Father He is. We need to tell them! How has the gospel impacted your life and don't others need to be rescued? Then, why don't I live that way?

God, help me, that I am so anxious of losing my wordly possessions, and not anxious enough that people are losing their souls.

Among the Living Again!

About 10:00 last night, we got our service back! Too late to call or be called, but I'm just glad its not something wrong that would require effort and money on our part. Just a temporary technical difficulty!

Call me...please!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dead Zone

Have you ever seen the Verizon commercials? The Dead Zone. That's where we live tonight. A few hours ago, while expecting an important call and needing to make an important call, we noticed our cell phone has NO BARS! Aaaahhh! Trace drove around town trying to get a signal and never did. He even saw a lady walking around her front yard raising her phone in the air and looking at it (clearly looking for a signal) and he stopped and asked her "Are you looking for a signal? Are you a T-Mobile customer?" Her answer was "Yes" to both. So, at least its not only us! Its frustrating and nice at the same time. We need to connect with the outside world, but its also kind of nice that we can't.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Videos from Hoo-ville

I love to watch my children play and entertain themselves! I was secretly taping Ansley playing and she saw me! I love her reaction!

It was a toss up between this song and Cullen singing "Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was A Freak Like Me".

Friday, June 20, 2008

Domestic Diva

I am such a Domestic Diva. I know you think so, too. Oh, you didn't know? Well, here, let me tell ya all about my day...

I woke up at 6am, drank coffee and got right to work on our monthly newsletter. I finished it by 7:45 and I then cleaned our home to a sparkling shine. ( It must be ready for the masses that are breaking down the doors everyday to see it) Then, got myself and the wee lad and lass dressed and fed then set off to the library. They were having a cowboy show for the summer reading program. So, that was fun times.

About 11:15 we headed to WalMart to get ingredients for a yummy Punchbowl Cake for a party we are going to. As we get home, my neighbor is in need of eggs, in which I come to the rescue(even though they were "Best used by June 4"- Kim would be proud). The kids played outside while I effortlessly shampooed the carpets throughout the house. All while my cake was baking in the oven...

Then, they came in and I gave them a bath. They played as a I assembled my marvelous cake in a trifle, so everyone could see the many beautiful, perfect layers of the cake. They will all know I slaved over it and will think I'm a marvelous cook. Yay, me!

At this time, my baby was very sleepy, so being the wonderful mother I am, I rocked her to sleep. And...I fell asleep too! So, I woke up, layed her down and then went to lay down myself. Now, I just feel yucky! Why did I have to go and ruin my Donna Reed streak?!

This is actually a very unusual day, and not nearly as perfect as I made it sound. (Those who know me well already knew that!) Boy, am I glad my righteousness is not in my parenting, cleaning or cooking!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Lessons in Faith

The funny thing about me and faith is that I have none. Just when I think I'm really steppin' out, I fall on my face. The slightest resistance and I pull back, when my first reaction should be to pray. Yet another reason to preach the gospel to myself again today... When will I learn?

A couple of months ago, I really prayed that we would be able to go to pre-field training in NYC in July. It just seemed perfect, so I signed us up on "faith". I gave God the stipulation: "Sell our house in May and we'll go". Not exactly. So, when the house didn't sell, I sadly canceled our reservation so we wouldn't owe a penalty and was discouraged. Why did my faith end so quickly? Why wouldn't it occur to me that God can work beyond the sell of my house and let us go anyway. Never even crossed my mind. Yesterday, it worked out that we'd be able to go to NYC in July, without the sell of the house. But, can the Donahoos go? Nope. I canceled the reservation May 30th. I feel like such an idiot. When will I learn?

We are embarking on the scariest, craziest thing we've ever done. We are going to raise support full-time, which means Trace can't work full-time anymore. We will live off part-time pay and a stipend from our support account and I'm scared. We still have a mortgage and not seeing an end to it. God has shown me He will take care of us, His way, without my stipulations. He is in control, has a plan and will be glorified. The Steven Curtis Chapman song God is God comes to mind:

God is God and I am not
I can only see a part of the picture He's painting
God is God and I am man
So I'll never understand it all
For only God is God

Oh, how great are the riches of His wisdom and knowledge
How unsearchable for to Him and through Him and from Him are all things

So, please pray for us. Pray for wisdom and provisions and more faith. Pray for our children and that our house will sell- quickly!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Travels and Prayers

The wee ones and I are in Tennessee. We came up yesterday to see my family for a few days. My grandmother broke her hip for a second time and isn't really bouncing back from this one. She is in a nursing center right now and this is the first chance I've had to come see her. Please pray for her to heal so she can go home. That's what she wants more than anything right now.

We've had a great time so far and we are about to go shopping! I have limited access to the internet, so I won't be posting very much.

I'd like to ask all my friends and family who read this to be praying for Trace and I over the next few days. We have some decisions we need to make and are praying for wisdom and clarity. We covet your prayers!

Have a great week my friends and we'll see you soon!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Well, It's Official...

I'm getting old. I got up early this morning (6 am) and only resented it for a minute. Usually when I get up early I am mad for at least 10 min and stare into space for about 15 min. Then, I'm OK. Not today. Trace woke me up to fix his lunch, ugh, and I was in the kitchen making his sandwich. I was just glaring at him while spreading peanut butter on the bread, watching him try to get online. When he couldn't connect, I grinned slyly. But then, I thought about all the things I could do before the kids got up. It was weird, normally I'd get back in the bed. Not today, folks! Got my coffee, read my Bible, prayed, then went outside and (here's another hint I'm old...ready for this?...)

Weeded the flower beds- with a hoe! Then, swept the porch! I felt like my Granny, that's how I learned to do that stuff. Too funny! Later, I will go get some new mulch and do that too.

I was going to go walking, but I figured I worked out and got sweaty enough in the garden. And my wee ones are whiny this morning, so why go? It would frustrate me more. I smiled when I thought about how I will do all this gardening in England, in much cooler weather. They seem to be serious about their "gardens" (which is what they call "yards").

Why else do I feel old? My childhood love got married last weekend. I saw some pictures and his wedding looked beautiful. But he looked older and so did my other buddies from school. I thought he was immortal, but he's not. So, do I look older too? Yuck.

Well, off to get some breakfast and more coffee. Then, mulch and fish oil. Isn't that what old people do?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Need a Hobby

I am in a rut. I have a lot to do, don't get me wrong. I'm not bored and I'm slightly overwhelmed, but I need something to escape reality for awhile after the kids go to bed. Something to look forward to doing and feel like a balanced person, instead of a machine. I want a good book to read (come on, Laura, suggest something great!), something to cross-stitch, scrapbook or something creative.

My head feels so cloudy with all that's going on- we need to sell our house, raise money, go visit relatives, send letters, make phone calls, clean the house, cook, pay bills,work, maintain relationships, give my children lots of attention, exercise... That's my NEED TO list and there's nothing creative in there. I don't have time to be creative, I feel like I'm losing my sense of humor! Wouldn't I be more relaxed and care-free if I had a fun hobby? Me thinks so...

...Or maybe I just need to take omega 3 fish oil supplements (Thanks, Whitney)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Today's Observations

    We are staying at the Morgan's with Emma, Bella and Kai (the dog) for a few days. Here are just a few things I've noticed today-

  1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a weird movie. I'm not sure which one is weirder- the old or new one. I watch them over and over again, but they really are absurd.

  2. Having a dog is therapeutic. I've never been a dog person, especially not an inside dog, but Kai (the Morgan's dog) has changed my mind. She is very sweet and calm. And when she doesn't want to get in her crate, she rolls over on her back and looks at you playfully upside down, almost smiling, coaxing you to let her stay out. Its so sad, I hate to make her get in!

  3. More kids does not equal more stress. Going from one child to two, that was hard. But adding more than that is surprisingly easy!

  4. The Morgan's house is very relaxing.

  5. It is more fun to cook and clean in someone else's house.

  6. Today is the first time I've ever walked a dog.
  7. Most insane televangelist quote tonight: "When you release your $1000 seed, God will release the harvest from His hand!" That's a whole other blog post!
  8. No matter what mood I'm in, Norah Jones music fits.
  9. I love how Ansley grabs my face and rubs noses with me.
  10. Cullen looks like his Daddy, but has mostly my personality. I'm just noticing this.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Paddle Faster! I Hear Banjo Music

This weekend we went to Gatlinburg for some family relaxation and regrouping. It was a lot of fun, the kids especially loved it! We walked ALOT, went to Dollywood, swam in the hotel's indoor pool and jacuzzi and ate out for every meal. Good thing we walked so much or I'd gain so much more weight than I did!

One thing Trace and I got a kick out of while walking (besides people watching, our favorite) is reading T-shirts at all the shops. I finally got out a pen and wrote some down, just to blog about-

Redneck Tees:
  1. You Mess with Me and You Mess with the Whole Trailor Park!
  2. If You can Read This, Put Me Back on My Barstool
  3. University of Pimpleton Pimps
  4. Paddle Faster! I Hear Banjo Music! (Our favorite)

Christian Tees: (We truly despise cheesy Christian Tees)

  1. I'm an Organ Donor- I Gave My Heart to God
  2. Tree Hugger-I Cling to the Cross
  3. UNDER THE INFLUENCE of the Spirit
  4. U.F.C.- Ultimate Fighting Christian
  5. A Blood Donor Saved My Life
  7. Someday My Prince Will Come -John 14:3
  8. Sorry, I'm Taken (by Jesus)
  9. Body Piercing Saved My Life
  10. It Was You Who He Died For ( YOO HOO chocolate drink

We will post pictures of our trip later!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Leeds, I'm Not Feeling the Love

I went to Leeds today. Twice. I had to go take back late library books and renew my library card. So, I FINALLY get out the door at 10:45 because it takes FOREVER to get everyone ready and motivated to leave the house. We roll in and library is CLOSED. Great. Thanks.

So, we go to Cully's school, go home and eat lunch and the kids start fighting again. So, about 1:30 I say "Wanna go to the park?" So, off we go again to Leeds. Agenda: Library, Bank, Park.

Library- I go and am denied a new library card! Apparently, it is absurd that I would have a card in my name and bring my husband's pay stub to show we are eligible for a Jefferson County Library Card (we live in St Clair Co). It hasn't been absurd the past three years, because they've renewed it with only his pay stub, but today its ridiculous. OK, denied. Whatever. But, before I leave she says "Make sure you sign up for our Summer Reading Program!" Yeah, that makes sense.

The park was fun too! We are sitting happily in the shade when a major confrontation happens right beside us. This cranky elderly woman is yelling at this young mother across the park who is playing with her toddler on the playground. Telling her its against the law to get on it if your over the age of 5 and she is on the Park Board and is going to call the police. "Can't you read the sign right in front of you?!" she says, completely humiliating this young lady. Then, she lights up a cigarette right next to Cullen and Ansley! HELLO! So, we move to the other side of the park, ironically next to a sign that says NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. OH, how I wish I was a confrontational person, so I could go over to her and say "Can't you read the sign that says No Smoking? Aren't you on the Park Board?" But, instead I just went over to the embarrassed girl and told her she did nothing wrong by helping her child on the play equipment. I can't help but think about that instance today with that bitter old woman and see the Gospel in it.

We forgot to go to the bank. So, you know what that means... Tomorrow's agenda: Leeds, AL.

What's Wrong with This Picture?

Summer Reading WHAT? I love Moody!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Farewell to Kindergarten

Isn't This Precious?

Look at this sweet little nest that we found in one of our hanging baskets on the front porch! So, knowing its in a hanging basket, imagine how tiny it really is!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Kindergarten Play

Cully was in an adorable Kindergarten play last week! He played a "sneezer". Here's a clip of his theatre debut...(he's to the right wearing the red robe)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blogger's Block

Sorry for the absence from blogworld. I've thought of lots of things to blog about, but by the time I am able to sit and blog, I lose interest or am too tired, etc... Will write again soon and I have lots of pictures to post...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Chillaxin' and Givin' Props

Mmmm, its Saturday afternoon in my clean house, with nothing to do but chillaxicate.(That would be a traceonics term) I got one baby who is splish-splashing in the tub and the other is in bed not feeling well. Cully has complained off and on about not feeling well, played soccer kinda sluggish and now is in bed. Poor thing. My house is pretty and clean- just screaming "Someone, please come buy me!" I'd just be happy with some lookers! Trace is helping his parents today, so he won't be home until supper time. Hmmm, what can I do with my day at home? Lots I COULD do, but what do I WANT to do? Days like this used to bother me. I like being busy, productive and efficient so a day with no plans would drive me crazy. But, now I'm starting to like them. Too bad Ansley is not taking naps anymore...

I must give props to Pastor G- The other day I had a kitchen sink crisis and he came over and fixed it! This is NOT to say "Call G for all your plumbing needs",because he'd kill me but I was very thankful he was willing to come over and get his hands dirty to help a sister out! And that's not a figure of speech- he really got his hands dirty! My new name for him is All Purpose Pastor!
Living out the Gospel= Getting clogs out of someone else's pipes with your bare hands! Thank you soooo much!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spa Day

Today we are having spa day! The joys of having a girl! Ansley loves to get her nails painted, so that's what we did. Then, in true Ansley fashion, she had to take over and do it herself. Well, you can only imagine how that turned out! Let's just say my bathroom has pink accents now. Nice.

But, I gave myself a facial and used all the really nice stuff in my drawer. Ya know all those "gifts with purchases". I save all that stuff for days like today, dreary and stuck at home. I also did my nails and cleaned my rings. I feel lovely and soft and good smelling. All that girly stuff.

Fun times! Come over if you want a free beauty treatment, and we'll have English tea and "biscuits"...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Today our baby is 3 years old! Can you believe it?!

Ansley's funny saying for the day:

Ansley: "Mom, where's Daddy?"

Me: "He's at work."

A: "Whyyyy?" (in whiny voice)

Me: "Well, so we can live."

A: (in a pouty, whiny voice) "I don't wanna live!"

She really is a Daddy's girl!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Back from TN

We're back from our whirlwind tour in TN. We got there at 9:30 Friday night, went to bed about midnight. (Including the kids, cause they slept on the way) Woke up bright and early the next morning and My mom and I went shopping. I got some beautiful clothes for Spring/Summer- Thanks Mom! We ran into my aunt, so we all went to lunch together. That night we had a lot of family over for dinner, which was so fun! We had a little bday party for Ansley and told them more about what we'll be doing in England. I miss being around my family and its very important to me that they know what we're doing and why.

That was another late night, but I didn't mind because I was able to visit with folks and the kids played with their cousins that are the same age. Sunday morning was great,too. Again, early morning, but we were getting ready to speak at a church. They were very encouraging to us, asking questions, talking with us about their own experiences and very attentive when Trace spoke to the congregation. Then, they asked me to come up on stage with Trace, and they prayed for us. We had some family come to hear Trace and to support us and that was so special,too!

After church, we went to Olive Garden. YUM!!! I haven't been there in forever and how good it was! I'm certain I have gained ten ponds this weekend! With the awesome food Sat night and Sunday, plus bday cake and tiramasu! (Yikes, hope my new clothes still fit!)

Trace met with an old friend in Nashville, so we went back to Woodbury and visited with Grandmothers (all of them). Trace didn't get back until 7pm and we left by 8:30pm! Soooo, the drive home was long and we got home at 11:30.

We are all struggling this morning! Ansley is mourning the return of the rental car. I am too a little, it is fun to drive a brand new car! But, back to the old van...

Monday, March 31, 2008

John Piper on the prosperity gospel

The Cosbys showed this to us last night and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind! Its tough, but GOOD!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Top Ten Things I've Loved About Spring Break

  1. Going to the zoo! We walked around for two hours and was just about to leave when we found friends! So, we walked around again with them for three more hours!
  2. Ansley as the "Goat Whisperer"- the petting zoo was Ansley's favorite part! She pet the goats and they loved her. She would stand on a rock and one goat would stand next to her and another would sit at her feet and she'd hug them and pet them, and she was the last to leave. It was adorable. Someone suggested it might be very good for Ansley to have a goat-very therapeutic!
  3. Playing Deal or No Deal at Chuck E. Cheese! That game was addictive! But, of course, I only played it alot so I could win a ton of tickets for my children. Yes, of course...
  4. "Coffee" at Kim's on Wednesday. The cake was divine and so was the fellowship. And seeing my two year old climb a tree all by herself, really high! Not so much when she wouldn't come down!
  5. Going out to lunch with my favorite boy in the whole wide world! The two of us went to McDonald's yesterday and ate inside, gotta a Happy Meal toy AND a ice cream cone! Who's the best mom ever? That's right, you guessed it.
  6. Having Silas spend the night. Cully went to spend the night at a friend's house Monday night for the first time and LOVED it! So, now he's all about having people spend the night! They ate lots of junk food and stayed up until after 10pm watching movies. Again, who is the coolest mom ever? I think you know...
  7. Being able to spoil my kids this week! We had a blast doing whatever they've wanted to. Today Cully asked to go to Disney World. Sorry,Kiddo. If we were in Orlando, then, yes. But we're not, so he'll have to settle for the park and a picnic!
  8. Sleeping late! Even when I had to get up and fix lunch for Trace, I still got to go back to sleep! LOVE IT!!!!
  9. Dropping the kids off at Kim's house and going shopping ALONE. Wow! What a friend, what a friend. I went to Belk where their clearance was $1.98-4.98! I got a couple of great tops and got Trace some shirts and Perry Ellis cords. El Cheapo!
  10. Having a whole day ahead of us to have more fun! Let's see what we can get into today...

Monday, March 24, 2008


Too Funny! She really thought she was singing in English! This is probably how my Spanish sounds!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Observations at WalMart

  1. Don't go to Trussville WalMart during Spring Break unless you have nothing but time to kill and you want a good laugh. I didn't go in with either of those things on my mind, but if you enter the Twilight Zone you might as well have fun with it!
  2. Junior High girls, whether alone or in a group, are very funny to watch.

Example One: I heard one girl tell her friends that "Vitamin water is my new favorite drink. Its like the best ever." Her friends enthusiastically agreed, even though it was so obvious they had no idea what "Vitamin Water"was!

Example Two: A girl walking behind her mom would spontaneously "bust a move" in the cereal aisle if a good song was playing. And, even better, she'd start doing cheerleading moves! Hysterical!

3. Just because people are driving over yellow stripes in a crowded parking lot, doesn't necessarily mean they will slow down.

4. Eating at the WalMart McDonald's is not for the faint of heart. Another Twilight Zone moment. I walk in and order a parfait, quick bite before I grocery shop so I don't buy EVERYTHING I see, and I've immediately realized this is a bad idea. At about noon on a Thursday, its full of hairy old men with food in their beards, old women with bad wigs, whole families who stop to eat AFTER they shop, with their full cart parked by the table and LOUD kids. I sat down, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, quickly ate my parfait and got the heck out of Dodge!

Fun Times! Not really, but definitely a good laugh!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Longing for the Day...

I have been hurt this past week. I've been struggling with for five days now and I'm confused and I don't understand it. Well, that's not entirely true, I understand where it came from. We have been warned, many times by multiple sources that we are a target for Satan. And he's teeing off! I've realized my weak spots right now are my health, my children and family. Right after we left the MTW office, we were flying high! We had survived the week of interviews and presentations and were commissioned by our denomination's missions agency to go. Ten minutes later...WHAM!... WHAM, WHAM! Knocked back down. Not just one hit, but several over a few days. What's sad is when he uses our own against us, whether its our Christian brother or the people we trust most.

And what's worse, is my struggle to forgive. My nature is not quick to forgive. I like to be angry, and sad and hurt- I like to marinate in it for awhile until it becomes a part of me. When I forgive, I usually forget why I was mad in the first place, and why would I want that to happen? Then I remember, my God forbids me to be this way. I cannot change who hurt me or take it away. This is not the first time its happened and it most definitely won't be the last. How many times have I been the person that hurts those who love and trust me?

It been amazing how my countenance has changed, I am a bitter, defensive, wounded being. In one way, Satan won. But in other ways, he has made us more anxious and determined to get to England and away from those who repeatedly hurt and frustrate us! Sound harsh? Yes, but I can be truthful about my feelings, however silly they may be. (I'm kidding, I know England will not stop hurt and frustrations from coming our way, but its nice to have something to look forward to!) I am still praying for the strength and desire to forgive. He has softened my heart a little more today. I hate this about my sin nature- that I am so quick to pray for forgiveness and thank God for Jesus, but find it so hard to forgive those who do things to me. I'm so glad He is faithful to us and has promised to be with us-no matter what-and will see His work in me to completion!

I long for Heaven, where these kind of emotions and yucky issues will not exist!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Age 3 or 13?

Ansy dressed herself in this sassy outfit. She wanted to hear Hannah Montana, so I made her a Pandora station. It played Hannah, Jonas Brothers and High School Musical music (all from Disney channel). My child could sing EVERY SONG and tell me who was singing them, which is what she's doing in this pic! Isn't that disturbing?!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

CMTW, Free Meds and a Movie

Today we were back at MTW. What a great place to be! When you walk in, its like a light in a dark place, an oasis in the desert! I just love it!

First thing on the agenda was our meeting with CMTW(Committee MTW). Wow! What a room of the most gracious men I've ever seen! We met about 45 min in which they asked about our call, our past and our spiritual life. Sound intimidating enough? Just for the first five minutes, then it was really great. These men we met with are pastors and elders from all over the place- St. Louis, Philadelphia, Vancouver, Birmingham and North Carolina. Such sweet, gentle spirits. So, when it was over, we waited for a response. Finally, at lunch, we were told in passing by an MTW staff person we were approved! What a relief! We realize if we've gotten this far, its hard to be denied, but you never know. So, there, we are official- tomorrow we are signing our life away!

Then, we went to the Dr for our physical. I have been sick with a cold that turned into a sinus infection, but I've been sick ALL WINTER! I'm still paying Dr bills from all four of us being sick last month! So, I told him my symptoms and he said he'd prescribe some antibiotics. I was thankful, but a little sick because of the cost that's to follow. As we leave, he tells us to fast until 11:00 tomorrow for bloodwork and oh by the way- here's your medicine! 10 days worth of antibiotics FREE! And we didn't have to pay for the visit since it was a job physical!!! OH MY GOSH! (At least, that's what they tell me- I hope we don't get a bill later!)

The food here is marvelous! MTW hires these caterers for their events that are out of this world! We really only come for the food! Tonight was a special dinner with the Committee for our approval- very nice, candles and some special presentations. Such an incredible group of people He has blessed us to be around! I love it!

We have new-found freedom with no children and I'm afraid we're going a little overboard. Last night we went to Johnny Corinos and had dessert. Today, during our break, we went to Dunkin Donuts and came back and took a nap. Tonight we went to the movies and saw The Other Boleyn Girl- very good! So, we are tired and STILL have a presentation to work on for Friday! Yuck!!

I do miss my babies- called and talked to them and they are having fun. Of course- MiMi and Pops are a barrel of fun!

Tomorrow is a very busy day with no breaks! 8:30am-7pm.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

Remembering the Good News

Tonight I got a surprise phone call from one of my oldest friends, someone I have dearly loved since I was a child. Looking back on our relationship, its amazing to see it was held together by God. We only lived near each other for a short time, and our lives were very different in every way- family structure, religion and economically. But somehow God chose to bind us together. Its really a beautiful thing. We were able to catch up on things happening in both our lives and were able to also talk about the goodness of the Lord.

I'm a big proponent of preaching the gospel to yourself everyday. But I think of it all in the aspect of His grace and mercy for my sinfulness I'm going to commit that day and reminding me to die to myself. (I wish I did all that daily) But I was able to get back to basics and really try to grasp the reality of it. That being how the Creator of the universe cares for His creation, became like one of us as Jesus the Son, became the perfect sacrifice He required to satisfy His wrath and take away all our transgressions, and have a vital relationship with us for eternity. All while completing the good work in which He started in us. And not only that, but also how He gives us our gifts, that when joined with other believers it is a complete body. And how the body of Christ loves and takes care of one another, meeting needs of all kinds. WOW! Is that great stuff or what?! Good news indeed!

It really blessed my soul to talk with my friend tonight, I was encouraged about the gospel, wanting to live it out, and how God calls people to Himself. I also found out ways to pray for her.

Thank you friend (blog lurker) for calling me and being so candid and open and letting me ponder on so many wonderful things!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

'Foux Da Fa Fa'

Just a little Wednesday pick-me-up!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Death to Paci

It's time...the paci must go! Ansley will be three next month and she is waaayyy too attached to Paci. We've gone through the ritual of being "a big girl" and throwing them away- three times now! Everytime, she emerges with yet another pacifier. She still wakes up several times a night because she's lost the darn thing and I feel like I have a newborn in the house. We tried the brilliant idea of the "Paci Fairy"- which is sending the fairy your pacis to give to little babies who need them and she'll send you something extra special in return. That idea sounded great to Ansley at 10 am, but at naptime ain't no baby getting her paci!
Today I have had ENOUGH and was feeling a little brave. Soooooo, I cut off the end of the beloved paci and told her it was broken. The poor dear wept, sobbed as if she was in mourning. It was very sad, she just held her paci and said "It broke!" over and over. She would sniffle in between bites of lunch and ask me to go get her more. It's like a crack addict going through withdrawals.
Will she go to sleep without it? Only time will tell. She's in her room, finally stopped crying. All the brave mothers who have gone before me say it takes three days to get over it. Can I endure three days? Please pray.
Farewell Paci-friend. My little girl is not a baby anymore...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank You Cleaning Fairies!

Yesterday I got a visit from the cleaning fairies! Paige and Heather came over and gave me an outsider's prospective of my house, ya know, the things you don't notice because you see it everyday. We put our house on the market yesterday, sign's out front. There wasn't alot of heavy duty work to do, but it was nice that they noticed little things I neglect and cleaned them. Heather cleaned my stove top, which I hate to clean, they cleaned baseboards and door trim, dusted towel racks and t.p. holders. Paige even cleaned around the toilets, now that's the mark of a true friend!

Anyway, we had some coffee (and hot tea for Heather-the poor soul who doesn't enjoy java) and lunch, talked alot and cleaned. It's funny that just having someone here can motivate you enough to get things accomplished. My house is sparkling and smells like Windex all over! I love it! Now, let the potential buyers come pouring in!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dreams and God's Provision

Today we had missionary,Paula, speaking at the church. She's a lovely and interesting woman. She shared with us at lunch about her life in a sensitive area of the Middle East where she serves. You can tell how she's content with God's called her to do, loving the people. She had some great stories and gave Trace and me some encouragement. One thing I find so interesting is the way our God intervenes in someones life to bring them to Himself. She told of so many people having dreams where Jesus comes to them. Missionaries to Muslims in London told us the same thing. They've had people come to them because Jesus came to them in their dreams and tell them who to talk to about the Truth and interesting things like that. It must have something to do with their culture and beliefs, where they will listen to dreams. In our society, that doesn't happen. We don't ever listen to our dreams. So, God speaks to us in different ways. I really think that's interesting because I've heard so many stories like that in the past year, mostly dealing with Muslims, but not in every case.

Hearing that reminded me to preach the Gospel to myself again today. I struggle with God's provision in my life, although He's always provided. But each time a need arises, I still look up and say Why are you doing this? What am I'm supposed to be learning and why do I need too? In a very whiny sort of attitude. Lord, I'm tired. I'm trying to do all You want me to, can't you just cut me some slack? Can't you just make this road a little easier? We have so many needs right now-looking ahead. We need a car for Trace to drive to work, we need to sell our house and have an inexpensive place to live while raising support, we need $10,000 per month to go to England... The list could really go on if I sat here and thought about it, but I won't because I'd only get depressed! Anyway, I figure if He's giving people dreams to bring them to Himself, surely He will give us what we need. We are His children, He has called us to a task, and He promised to see it through. He has to do it all, and He already has! That's the Gospel.