Monday, June 30, 2008

Stuck At Home

Yes, I am. Trace took the van, left me the carseat but didn't leave a key to the car. I had a long to do list and now it will all be pushed until tomorrow. OK.

It wouldn't hurt anything for me to stay home a day. I am always going, going, going. There are so many things to do here! I can go through the kids' clothes and toys, clean out closets, dust, read and play with my babies, etc...

So, anyone want to come over? I've got some fresh cucumbers, squash and cookies(in my best luring voice)... Come on! You know you want to!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I'm stuck in a mountain of laundry that always follows me when I've been out of town. Hey, instead of trying to find things around your house to do, why don't you turn on some soft music, grab a book and put your feet up. Have a lazy day where you stay in your jammies all day long. It doesn't always have to be about what you need to get done! I wish I could join you. At present, it's 10am, I'm on load number two and Brandon and I are still in our bed clothes.

Stef Layton said...

my hubby has done that to me before, actually he locks my car when I leave my keys inside (because it's in the garage). thankfully he works a mile from home.

So interested about your England trip!

Laura said...

Ya shoulda called me -- I'd have shuttled you around today!

Unknown said...

Too bad I read this post on Tuesday. I would love some cucumbers adn cookies....

Missy said...

And I read it on Thursday and wouldn't have liked any of those things.

I am all ready for VBS! Woohoo!