Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rainy Day

I'm loving the rain today. Even though I had to leave my house for two hours with the kiddos because we had two different appointments to see house!! Yippee! Bring it on! We rode around for awhile trying to decide what to do. If it weren't raining, we'd go to the park or swim, but it was just messy today! We ended up going to Chic-Fil-A to eat and play. It was so nice, to let them play in a soundproof room where I could see them having fun. I could sit and enjoy a quiet lunch by myself and wave at them periodically. My only regret is I should have brought a magazine! Then, we all had IceDream cones! Yum!

After that, we tried to go to the Moody library, but in true Moody fashion, it was closed on Saturday! So, we went to the church library and had just as much fun. And they could be louder than a normal library, since we were all alone in the building!

It was a fun afternoon after a stressful morning of cleaning and preparing for showings!


Missy said...

I hope your showings went Super well!!!

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I prayed for your house to sell today!!! I want good news tomorrow when I see you at church! Sounds like a fun day, too.

Laura said...

Praying for a buyer, friend.

Kim said...

Did you hear anything back yet?

Ginger said...

Thank you all for praying! We heard that one wants a garage,so that's out.

The other is a engaged couple that are first time homebuyers. We are "on their list", so whatever that means. Keep praying-they are trying to decide!