Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What a Day, What a Day!

This morning started out all cozy in my bed, waking up on my own. Peacefully and well rested I look over at the clock...7:46 am! What! Ansley greets me at the side of my bed " Hey, Mama."

What's wrong with this? you ask...

Well...I'm supposed to be up at 6am, have some coffee and bible time before I get my little boy up and on the bus at 7:20. So, I race up, get Ansy situated with cartoons and breakfast and hit the showers. I was supposed to exercise this morning at 8:30. Nope. I have to be at Babs house at 9:30, so better get a move on!

Out to the van we go at 9:30 (notice the time) and there is snow! Not happy. I left my window down in the van ALL NIGHT, so there's snow and water all in my van! Get Cully to school and in the office is the much dreaded question by the office lady- "Why are we tardy today? Been to the Dr. this morning?" I feel like such a loser! "No, just got a late start." I said with a half grin.

Make it to Babs about 10:15 because I also have to pump gas in the blizzard, with a wet seat I might add because even sitting on a towel isn't helping!

After a lovely visit at Babs, I head off to 280 to Stein Mart and Michaels. I haven't endured enough punishment today, must go try on clothes and shop for board decorations with my sleepy, hungry 2 yr old. We make through Stein Mart, with a beautiful dress for $8.00! Yippee! Not so fortunate at Michaels. Couldn't find anything I needed and NO help from the winners they have working there. We leave with Ansley screaming and standing up in her stroller!

By this time, its 1:30 and my head is hurting because I'm STARVING! So, we go to Zaxby's for a quick, but pleasant enough lunch. Then, because I'm a total fool, we go to Hobby Lobby. Hey, I'm on a mission to find letters for our board and how often do I trek to 280? I get what I need, but not without Ansley spilling an entire cup of tea in the aisle, then lagging behind as I'm carrying the broken cup around trying to find an employee/trash can. Tea running down my arm, I go to front where the woman is completely discusted with us and we buy what we need after I warn her people may fall on Aisle 12. And of course, Ansley screams as we are leaving the store and everyone's eyes are on me AGAIN!

We race down 119 to make it home in time for Cully's bus, because I was running around Hobby Lobby knowing he'll be home in 45 min. That of course only added to the frustration. I have a migraine and spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch while my sweet little boy plays computer. Now I must go to bed...tomorrow is more of the same!


Kim said...

I wish I could've been with you, it would've been more fun. I ran errands in Hoover yesterday and got home just before two. Sorry about your day chica. We need to plan an errand day soon.

Anonymous said...

O, I hate days like this!!! If my morning gets messed up the whole day is a wash out! Sorry love!