Thursday, February 21, 2008

Random Thoughts From a Tired Mind

I'm completely overwhelmed right now. I can't think if my house is dirty and things are looming over me. I'm unorganized at a time in my life when I need to be very organized. AAHHHH!

Well, aside from that, Lost is about to come on! I'm totally hooked on Lost!

My children were so bad today! It seems like everyday here lately they behave badly. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I try to be consistent with discipline. I wonder if they sense stress or anticipate change. Or maybe they are just little sinners like the rest of us. They haven't had as much practice hiding their sins as we have I guess.

My vacuum cleaner has lost its suction. It sort of picks up stuff off the carpet, but it doesn't work with the hose at all. That's great, since I'm putting my house up for sale NEXT WEEK! And I don't want to buy a new vacuum since I'm selling my house and moving over seas. CRAP! Anybody out there have a extra working vacuum cleaner?

Ansley is potty training. She has done really well considering its the third day. She wore big girl panties all day, changed three pair and my house smells like pee-pee. But we are making progress! She went to the potty alot today and even told me whe needed to go several times. I REALLY want to stop buying diapers!

Hmmm, anymore random thoughts?
Yes, all the swirling things in my head that I need to do. I should start on them since 2 yr old is sleeping, but I'm so exhausted from the day, I don't wanna!

OH! Its 7:56, gotta get ready for my show! Over and out!


Kim said...

dearest friend! I wish I could give you a vaccuum cleaner and well-behaved children. I'm sorry you feel overwhelmed. I'm taking the girl from you next week for a day.

MattD said...

Not a big fan of LOST...You can go a month without watching it and pick up right where you left "lost" Battle Star Gallactica on the SciFi channel..THATS ENTERTAINMENT..right there, baby...

Ginger said...

I can do without scifi all together. That's a guy thing for sure!

Anonymous said...

Ginger, since we're going to be gone all week next week, you can borrow my vacuum cleaner if you need too. Come by and get it after lunch if you want. Or call me. I will use it this morning to clean but if you want to come get it this afternoon let me know!