Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thoughts for Today

Where does my 2 yr old pick up these words like "stinkin' "?
"Where's my stinkin' paci?" she said as walked into the kitchen.

Why does my 5 yr old whine like a baby and talk back like a teenager?

Why do I spend my morning exercising and then come home and eat a big piece of chocolate pie?

Why is it so hard to clean the house and so easy to mess it up?

What's so great about Star Wars that we have to watch it all the time?

Where has all my creativity gone? I used to be very creative and crafty, but it seems being stressed, busy and tired all the time suppresses this. Or maybe its because I HAVE to do it, not because I want to. But its somehow such a challenge to write a newsletter or decorate a board.

Why do I not have anything to blog about? I come up with things sometimes, but never at the time to blog.

Why am I so stupid with the computer? I can't seem to figure anything out, unless it takes a million tries and it turns out to be so easy!

Why are the neighbor kids looking through the windows of my house? How annoying.

Why do I schedule a million things to do during the week? Then I overlap things and create such a problem!

Why is my life not more exciting, so I'd have cool things to blog about!


Kim said...

You know, you could blog about nothing. Like me. I vote for neurotic behavior. I like your questions.

heather said...

Why indeed? I love how we are so busy and then struggle with feeling like we get nothing done? Why?

Anonymous said...

Ginger, I love you just the way you are. And I love your posts! I blog about crazy thoughts that drift through my head all the time. I still am amazed anyone would be remotely interested.

Scott H said...

Has either of the little "Hoo's" ever said..."man, this cereal is JACKED-UP!"? I think I know where they get it!