Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dreams and God's Provision

Today we had missionary,Paula, speaking at the church. She's a lovely and interesting woman. She shared with us at lunch about her life in a sensitive area of the Middle East where she serves. You can tell how she's content with God's called her to do, loving the people. She had some great stories and gave Trace and me some encouragement. One thing I find so interesting is the way our God intervenes in someones life to bring them to Himself. She told of so many people having dreams where Jesus comes to them. Missionaries to Muslims in London told us the same thing. They've had people come to them because Jesus came to them in their dreams and tell them who to talk to about the Truth and interesting things like that. It must have something to do with their culture and beliefs, where they will listen to dreams. In our society, that doesn't happen. We don't ever listen to our dreams. So, God speaks to us in different ways. I really think that's interesting because I've heard so many stories like that in the past year, mostly dealing with Muslims, but not in every case.

Hearing that reminded me to preach the Gospel to myself again today. I struggle with God's provision in my life, although He's always provided. But each time a need arises, I still look up and say Why are you doing this? What am I'm supposed to be learning and why do I need too? In a very whiny sort of attitude. Lord, I'm tired. I'm trying to do all You want me to, can't you just cut me some slack? Can't you just make this road a little easier? We have so many needs right now-looking ahead. We need a car for Trace to drive to work, we need to sell our house and have an inexpensive place to live while raising support, we need $10,000 per month to go to England... The list could really go on if I sat here and thought about it, but I won't because I'd only get depressed! Anyway, I figure if He's giving people dreams to bring them to Himself, surely He will give us what we need. We are His children, He has called us to a task, and He promised to see it through. He has to do it all, and He already has! That's the Gospel.

2 comments: said...

dreams have always been one way that God talks to His people. just look at the old and new testaments. i'm sorry that you're struggling, friend. i'm praying for you.

Burt said...

it was a good lunch with paula. keep speaking the gospel to your heart!