Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Late Night Coffee Buzz

Ok, so its 10:40 and I'm wide awake! I had 4 cups of coffee today, 2 cups after 7:30 pm at church, so there ya go! Caffeine used to not bother me. I could drink a Coke or cup of joe and go right to sleep. I'm getting old I guess. I'm not to the decaf stage yet though.

I just finished our taxes...for the 2nd time! I didn't like the outcome of the first go-around because our refund is not as big as I had expected, so I erased and started over! Still pretty much the same outcome, turns out they are right afterall. That stinks!

We're starting to feel better. Trace has been home for two days and that's been interesting. Tuesday I ran errands and totally over did it while he watch Ansley and felt terrible. Today, we pretty much fought over the computer all day. I have a system here during the day and he just puts a wrench in it. Are you with me ladies? I had fun with him here and we did get a lot of stuff done today as far as mission apps, emails, taxes, etc... but everytime I'd get up from the computer he'd get on it! Drives me crazy! We will need two computers when we are full time support raisers! I'm sure it drove him nuts too because we both had an agenda. Oh well. My husband is fun to be around anyway.

What else can I type about because I'm not sleepy? This is when I wish I had a friend over to watch a good movie and eat chocolate. (as I anxiously tap my fingers on the keyboard)

Tomorrow I'll be hanging out with Babs Foster, "my spiritual mother". I love that time because she's so fun and open. I've was discipled in college, but during this time in my life, where everything is new and constantly changing, I needed someone to talk to, pray with and just study God's Word with that is wise and comforting. The Lord has definetly blessed this relationship and I'm thankful for her! If you haven't signed up for Spiritual Mothering, I'd urge you to do so. Everyone needs that fellowship and accountability, especially with someone who's "been there, done that".

So, thinking about what to do on Feb 9th. Manfest is happening at Matt Davis' house and we need to get together as well!

Well, I guess now I'll go run laps around the outside of my house (umm...kidding). I feel kind of like the squirrell on Hoodwinked.


Kim said...

I should've come over; I had a hard time getting to sleep. We could've watched Phantom of the Opera. I haven't seen it in almost two weeks. (!) Virginia gave me the soundtrack the other day as a "happy". Fun. I'll be womanfesting with you all, if all goes according to plan.

Anonymous said...

Brian and I can only tolerate each other at home all day for about 2 days then I'm ready to get him out of the house for a couple of hours. He's all up in my stuff! I have been thinking of the Spiritual Mother thing too. I'd love to have a mentor. Who do I talk to about that?

Burt said...

drug use does have side effects!

MattD said...

Go cold turkey no caffeine...I haven't had any in almost 5 yrs..