Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Father Knows Best

I'm sitting at home...again. I'm sulking in case you can't tell. We've been sick FOREVER now and I'm tired of being at home! For two weeks now I haven't gone to church, been walking or hung out with anyone. We had a support raising gig in Decatur, had to stay home and now there's a Missions Conf we've been planning on going to and guess what? That's right, its not a good idea to take the kids. I'm feeling left out, but father knows best. Trace is right, we shouldn't go. I know its a bummer for him to go and do all this stuff by himself, too. And all though I was having a pity party, I realize how much stuff I need to be doing. I have a Wed night lesson to review, work on the website, completely plan a lunch and write out notes for a meeting on Sunday, go over school work with Cully, clean the house, and the list goes on and on! So, I hate to admit it and sometimes its fun to pout when I'm disappointed, but my husband is wise and right. We should stay and rest and get completely well. So, now I have the night to myself with the kiddies and I can get a lot done. I'm sure before long, we will all be begging to stay home and not go to different churches! I think I settle in and enjoy it tonight. Sometimes, father really does know best!


Anonymous said...

I felt weird there without you this morning, with all those men! I missed you Ginger! I'm so sorry everyone is sick. Think of it as our Father's way of boosting our immunity. I think when you all get better we need to get together for an afternoon. I'm think you, me, nutella, and croissants! Maybe we'll invite friends too!

Kimmipeach@gmail.com said...

hope ya'll are better soon. we've been home because of ellas. seems like as soon as he gets well, he gets sick again. he'll be going to class with me tonight.

MattD said...

Waaaa...I'll trade places with you. I'll let you come work for me and I'll stay home...poor thing....;-)

Ginger said...

Ok, Matt. To change places with me you need to hold a feverish, crying two year old ALL DAY while you make sure laundry and house are clean and family is fed a good meal. Make sure you also sell your house, cars and all you own, and move your family 1500 miles away for an indefinant amount of time. Come on, anytime you're ready...

MattD said...

I still take care of sick kids, clean house, cook meals, do laundry and work 40 hours a week....and and nevermind ...*umm* no comment...:-(

MattD said...

Do you need some Ibuprofen ...you know for the *whisper* cramping? "cause you sure are *@&chy...

Paige M said...

Matt you sure know how to tick a women off. All we need to hear from you is "poor thing, I hope you feel better soon, I'll pray for you." That's it......nothing else......end of story.........
I must talk to Heather about training you correctly. :)

Ginger said...

Matt- what the heck is whisper cramping?

Anonymous said...

I'm cracking up. Way to go, Matt, tick off all the women folk. You'd have one cramp, my man, and you'd slit your wrist. So don't even go there.

Whisper cramping...too funny.

MattD said...

Ok, so Paige likes to be babied..*cough-princess-cough*..I'm sorry..does that sound genuine enough?

Ginger...you've never heard of *whisper-cramping-*? I'm whispering something I don't like to talk about..

Melissa...umm I've had cramps..just last week I had Cajun food and let me tell you..I was CRAMPING!

Anonymous said...

Um, Matt, dear Matt...don't even go there. It's a whole other world of cramping. Just don't ok. There is nothing you can say to compare.