Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Peace, Be Still

Ya know, I've wanted to blog, but just haven't had the time or mental capacity to do it lately. I have a million and one things swirling in my head at any given moment. Do I have ADD? Perhaps. Am I overwhelmed with life right now? At times. Do I feel our life is chaotic? Definitely! This morning, Ansley is still sleeping. I was sitting on my couch, half praying and half watching the Today show. I started praying for all the big things we have no control over, just to give them to the One who does. I don't do that enough, by the way. Why? I don't know what to do, He does. This I know, but do I think He already knows and has it under control, so I don't even talk to Him about it? That's foolish, but I must ponder this....

Anyway, I just turned to any book, any verse for a quick read and then off to clean and check stuff off my list. I read the passage where He is in the boat with His disciples and He's sleeping through the storm. And He awakes, and calmly stops the storm. At first, I didn't get it. It was like He told me to take another look at it and figure how to apply this to my life. So, I read it again, and again. Then I realized, I just rattled off to You all these things I can't control, making a storm in my life. I handed them to You and You are not worried. You are not bothered, in fact You are resting, just as I should be. He has total control and purpose of my storm and He just reminded me that He's right beside me, controlling it all. I know that, but it's nice to be reminded of that in a loving, special God-kind of way in a quiet morning. Its nice (but humbling) how you can have head knowledge and rattle them off to any friend in need of encouragement or on any missions application for that matter(ouch), but go through times where you're not living it out in your own life. Then, He gently reminds me and brings me back in a way I'll remember. How loving and gracious He is!


Anonymous said...

I too feel the need to go into every detail of prayer needs. Then I get distracted by the fact I'm sleepy or I hear Brandon over the monitor or whatever! Sometimes I swear I can hear this voice saying to me "Meissa, just go to bed, I got it, ok!". Good post. Miss you, Ginger.

Marsha said...

This is a wonderful post, Ginger! Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

And thank you for coming by my blog last week and praying for my daughter, her family and Kenya. Your continued prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Blessings to you and your family.

Crissy said...

I totally identify with this post.