Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No Good Day to be Sick

We are all sick. I'm so tired of sickness, I feel like someone is under the weather all the time at our house! Maybe its our house, its making us sick! I'm been sitting here with my feverish baby all morning. Still in my pjs. I am so glad that I am able to just sit here and hold my sick baby and not worry about other things. I love how she says " I wanna hold you Mommy." Cully has been sick with a fever since Saturday. Today he finally didn't have one so he went to school. I wouldn't be surprised if they called to tell me he's not feeling well. My poor babies.

Last night we watched The Illusionist. That is a great movie! I've been thinking about it all morning! I'll probably watch it again today so I can try and figure it out.

Today is a bad day to be sick. Its Wednesday, so I'm supposed to teach tonight but can't because of my fever baby. I also have a meeting after church. We have a new girl starting tonight to work in the nursery and I can't be there to show her what needs to be done. Others can do these things. ( If you're reading this, you can call me and volunteer your services.) Not to mention inviting a friend to go walking at the church, then I couldn't come! Oh, well. Yesterday I thought the same thing when I kept Cully with me as I was working at the church all day. The poor baby felt bad, but he was so good to not interupt and watch a movie or play on the "puter" as he calls it. We went to lunch then had lots of errands to run. He hung in there like a champ. He's a joy to have! I'm very proud of my babies!

Well, here we are watching Barbie Island Princess AGAIN. I have so much to do, but I need to rest with my baby. While do I feel like I constantly need to be doing something, to be as productive an efficient as I can? I need to relax, sit enjoying my baby who just wants to be held. So on that note, I'll close (and stop typing with my left hand, while Ansy's in my lap and my puter is on my left on the couch).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Ginger, I didn't show up to walk either! I couldn't get to bed until very late lastnight because Brian (my bigger baby) was sick. Sick days stink!