Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rambling to Avoid Housework

I'm so cold! I cannot get warm, no matter how much coffee I drink! I need to be cleaning. My house is embarrassing its so dirty. I am not motivated to clean because I don't feel good and I'm cold. I kept the house nearly spotless for a week(that's a record for me) and then I started feeling bad and just let it go! But, I must clean because people are coming over. I strategically invite people over just so I'll clean the house. That's not entirely true, so don't feel bad if I invite you over. I do love having folks over! But, a teensy bit of my motive is to make sure I motivate myself to clean.

This morning we went walking. That's a good thing. I feel good after I exercise, I just don't want to do anything once I get back home. Hmm, that's trouble.

I feel like making a new playlist. I want fun songs- like Phantom of the Opera songs. Kim has involved me in her Phantom of the Opera movie kick and now I'm singing the songs in my head. I found the songs on playlist and clicked on the theme song. The organ music started blaring and I jumped out of my chair! Now I'm just a little creeped out, looking over my shoulder making sure there's no half-masked guy peeking around a door. Oh, I must stop-I scare waaaay too easily! It's just a good thing we don't have a basement! I'd be convinced a creepy "Angel of Music" was down there. If you haven't seen the movie-watch it! I'm not much into musicals but its good, just kind of creepy. I like it alot. I've never seen the play, I bet its excellent!

Just got word that the babies can spend the night with MiMi and Pops Friday night so we can go to Workplay to see Act Of Congress! So excited! I will feel like a real grown-up, going on a double date with the Boykins and coming home to no children. Wow! Grandparents are cool!

Ok, enough! I must go! So much to do, so little time! I have little more pep in my step after hearing some good news...


Kim said...

"the Angel of Music sings songs in my head... the Angel of Music sings songs in my head..."

Bwa, ha, ha, ha!

Again tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I want to walk but I can't get my behind out of bed! Argh! I'm in a strange mood, I think I've been couped up too long. I don't like musicals, I've tried but I can't get into them. I know, it's very unAmerican of me. But Kim is trying to get me reading and love reading so who knows. People can change.

Laura said...

Love the new look and the playlist!

MattD said...

So do you like have a camera on standby in case one fails? From over use...just curious