Saturday, August 4, 2007

From the Mouths of Babes

Here's what I'm been noticing lately: Cully is starting to act like such a big boy. He has his moments where acts two, but the 5 year old moments are more frequent. A couple of days ago, we were outside watering flowers and when we were going inside Ansley made a huge mess on the porch. I let them in and told them I'd be in after cleaning up and he came back out and said "Mom, I'll clean this up. You go on in with Ansley so she won't get scared." And he picked it all up and made the porch look so neat before coming in. He's learning to be a little gentleman. We are also amazed at his heart! His prayers are so sweet, better than a lot of adults! He prays for his family and friends, thanks Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins, preparing a place for us in Heaven, for all He gives us, etc.. just bringing me to tears. It just shows me how much these little ones take in at church! Thanks to those teachers out there that tell the story of God's goodness to this generation. They really are learning and God is using it in their little hearts!

Ansy prays too now. You can make out"Thank you much...Beex, Corin, Silas, MiMi and Pops...(dots are for unrecognizable words)AMEN! I really need to get these sweet prayers on tape! She looks around to and tells on Bubba if he has his eyes open-"Momma, Bubba's not praying!" She's a hoot! She is a little person with a big vocabulary!

Today, Cully was asking all these outrageous requests that he knows I'll say "No" to. Why do kids do that? Its just setting themselves up for disappointment and makes me feel like a terrible mother for always saying "NO!". He's asking questions like "Can I eat cake and ice cream for breakfast?" (as if my child needs more sugar to make him hyper) and "Can we go to Alabama Adventure today?" ( he starts asking for that at 11:00am). So after the 50th time of asking for cake this morning and hearing me say this over and over, Ansley looks at him and says (pointing her finger at him and in her deep authoritative voice) "No! Eat breakfast!" She's a little Mommy too. I could go on and on about the funny things my kids say, but you have to be here to see it and no one else will appreciate it as much as I do.

Well, I must go rest now. Tomorrow Ansley moves up to the 2 yr old room. We no longer have a baby in the nursery! No more toddler room. Our babies are growing up!!

1 comment:

Dollar General said...

There's a way to solve that no more baby in the nursery thing - HAVE ANOTHER!! What fun!!