Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Family of God

This morning Burt preached a beautiful sermon. It was from the passage in Acts 2:42-47, about the early church and how they set themselves apart and formed a true community of believers. Day by day, they devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, meeting each others' needs, worship, prayer and meeting together to do these things and bond together. I feel like we have those type of relationships at our church, maybe not to the extent of these early folks, but as close as I've ever seen without it being a cult! When I get together with our church family, it is just that, family to me. I love it! And I feel that close to them and open with them and it truly is a work of God. He's let me be vulnerable and honest, while teaching me truths about myself and learning so much from the other ladies he's allowed me to be around.

Just as I was listening and thinking all this in my mind, I thought about how hard it would be to leave this comfortable, loving place of likemindedness(is that a word). I started to wonder if I'd be bummed out to go to a foreign mission field and it wouldn't be the same and could I maintain these relationships I hold so dear. Then he talked about the church in England. He said how those Christians are like this in so many ways, because they truly are all they have. There's no petty arguments and people just leaving their church for one down the street, because there's not one down the street! They are a family and Europe is so dark spiritually. You really know who's sold out for Christ and who's not. That excited me! It gave me hope that I may be apart of a community somewhere else. The family of God is a special thing because I can have more in common with an Somali Christian than a blood relative who doesn't know Christ! Its one of the perks of being a citizen of Heaven-brotherhood around the world!


Kim said...

it sets things in perspective, doesn't it?

Crissy said...

Love this post.