Monday, March 3, 2008

Death to Paci

It's time...the paci must go! Ansley will be three next month and she is waaayyy too attached to Paci. We've gone through the ritual of being "a big girl" and throwing them away- three times now! Everytime, she emerges with yet another pacifier. She still wakes up several times a night because she's lost the darn thing and I feel like I have a newborn in the house. We tried the brilliant idea of the "Paci Fairy"- which is sending the fairy your pacis to give to little babies who need them and she'll send you something extra special in return. That idea sounded great to Ansley at 10 am, but at naptime ain't no baby getting her paci!
Today I have had ENOUGH and was feeling a little brave. Soooooo, I cut off the end of the beloved paci and told her it was broken. The poor dear wept, sobbed as if she was in mourning. It was very sad, she just held her paci and said "It broke!" over and over. She would sniffle in between bites of lunch and ask me to go get her more. It's like a crack addict going through withdrawals.
Will she go to sleep without it? Only time will tell. She's in her room, finally stopped crying. All the brave mothers who have gone before me say it takes three days to get over it. Can I endure three days? Please pray.
Farewell Paci-friend. My little girl is not a baby anymore...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but your post made me laugh outloud, I almost spit my drink across the table in Brians face. You can get through this! I'm proud of you, mamma!

I've just started time outs with Brandon this week. So far it's going terribly.

Scott H said...

I like the "Name it,claim it" philosophy of the "Paci fairy". Good stuff!
No more "stinkin' paci".

Kim said...

Poor Mommy! You can endure it! Do not buy more pacis!!! You can do it. I'm a huge fan of "my baby can get over just about anything in three days". Except for allergies.

heather said...

You can do it. This from the Mom who never had a kid that would us a paci or thumb.Good luck!!!

Amber said...

Three year old paci addict cracks me up!!! thanks for sharing and for the laugh!!

Paige M said...

As you know, I just endured this horrid experience a few months ago. The good news is easier when you don't have to keep up with pacis and find pacis and buy new pacis, the bad news is... it took about 7 days before Carson finally stopped whining for it! Hang in there. It is definitly time to lose the paci! I have some ear plugs you can borrow.

Crissy said...

We were watching old home movies the other day and came across the footage of Gracie's paci intervention. Pitiful. Sad and pitiful. But she got over it. She hardly ever asks for it anymore! ;o)