Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Froggy Fears

Last night, Laura was bringing me home after a fun night at the Morgans! As we approach the door, we saw a little frog on it. I froze. Then, it jumped up the door and I jumped away! About that time it jumped on my wreath and stayed there camouflaged and staring at us. Well, we were totally creeped out and afraid to go by it, thinking it would jump in the house. Well, we were trying to be quiet because it was late and my family was in bed, but we were laughing, jumping around and freaking out. Trace heard the commotion (guess we weren't that quiet afterall)and opened the door, to which we panicked and said "No, frog!" In the end, he thought we were a little silly and crazy, but the frog stayed on the wreath.

On this lovely rainy morning, I get Cully off to school, come back in and even answer the door without a thought of the frog. Then, as I was opening the door to listen to the rain, I remember. Where's the frog? Is it still on the wreath? No. Could it have gotten out in the middle of the night? Not likely. Did it come in the house? Aaaaahhhh! Now, I have a fear of going anywhere in the house and a squishy frog there beside me. What if I don't find it until after Trace is gone? How will I handle that, alive or dead? Ugh. Fears surround me.

These creepy feelings stem from a night when I woke up to something cold and slimy landing on my head when I was asleep. I felt my forehead and it was a frog. I spent the rest of the night looking for the frog and not going back to sleep. That was years ago...


Missy said...

OOH gross! I understand your fears, that would be tramatizing!

heather said...

Oh great another creature phobia I can add to my list. Where oh where did the frog come from that jumped on your head? I can only find peace if I know you lived near a swamp or bog. If you didn't please don't tell me. Also I once worked at a answering service 3rd shift, frogs would come up out of the potty and sit on the rim. I had to hold it all night. I found another job really soon after that.

Paige M said...

I don't even like Kermit. Yuck, they freak me out. Mainly because you never know where they are going to jump next. It could be anywhere, even your forehead. Good luck. I hope the little slime ball if far away...have you checked the skimmer of the pool?