Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sweeney Todd

Last night we watched the movie Sweeney Todd. Ever seen it? If you answered no, then don't! Trace picked it out and he has a horrible track record when it comes to picking out movies (just had to thrown that in). Here are a list of thoughts about Sweeney Todd (ya know how I like lists!)
  1. Its horrible, dark, bloody and creepy.
  2. It was directed by Tim Burton- need I say more?
  3. It has Johnny Depp- which I have a fascination with. He's been a hottie for like three decades, although is very mysterious and creepy.
  4. Its a musical, which is annoying. Its a gory musical!
  5. It does not have closure at the end-which I hate!!! It must be wrapped up in a pretty litle package at the end. Do not leave me guessing!
  6. It is 2 hours of my life I will never get back, and I have to keep thinking about it today. Darn it!
  7. It looks like they are in London during the Plague, dirty, black, matted hair, rats, meat pies...
  8. It won Best Actor and Best Film-what the heck?

I'm thoroughly creeped out!


Kim said...

It sounds (minus the gore) right up my dismal, melancholy, musical alley.

It's my brother-in-law's favorite movie.

Anonymous said...

It contains my least favorite movie things: Johnny Depp and musicals. Sorry girls, I just can't go there, hate me and mock me if you must.

Missy said...

I remember Stacy watching that one night while I was on the computer, so I just got glimpses and it did look really strange.