Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lesson in Humility #176

Sunday, we went and spoke at Avondale United Methodist Church. As we drive down the interstate, our front passenger hubcap flies off! It rolls down the road being dodged by cars, causing near-wrecks. Lovely. Ya see, the night before I asked him to check the air in the tires. He had to remove the hubcap to get to the air thingie (technical term) and put it back on. Not good enough,apparently.

I begged Trace to go find it and put it back on, but he wouldn't. He was afraid to "walk on the interstate". He might get "hit by a car" and "people get killed doing that sort of thing". What a wimp.

I hate to see cars without hubcaps! I mean no harm to my friends that may not have all their hubcaps. I just felt like such a stereotypical poor missionary family driving down the road to raise support. Yuck.

Trace just laughed, saying its a lesson in humility for me. "This is what your life will be like, girl" he said.


Kim said...

"hit by a car"
what excuses.
sheesh. said...

lol! growing up, we had a car that didn't stop running when you removed the key. it just kept gasping and struggling. it would finally end with a loud BANG. very embarrassing when mom's dropping you off at the high school for the 1st day of 9th grade.

heather said...

I bought the Volvo because it has rims.

j_webb said...

I'm not sure which is more dangerous.... dodging cars on the interstate or going to Hub Cap Annie's down on 1st Ave. Both could get you killed these days!

Crissy said...

In my opinion, humility is highly overrated.