Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today I must clean the house. I have neglected it for over a week and its BAD! I don't have a car today, because Trace lost his keys and had to take the van. I'm glad I don't have a car so I can't escape the dirty house another day. Ansy and I have been playing this morning alot-Elefun about 14 times now. I'll clean something, play something with her, then check emails, then clean a spot, etc...My ADD is showing up! I still haven't found Trace's keys, but how much looking can one do playing Elefun?

I am not finding much Christmas spirit this year, either. Usually I decorate my entire house. This year, I've done the living room and that's it. All my Christmas dishes, cookie jars, etc are still in boxes in the kitchen. I think I'll just put them back up in the attic. No one's coming over anyway. I've had too much clutter on my counters to think of setting out that stuff! I'm trying to get the motivation to prepare our house to sell. I've cleaned out closets, but they are junky again! That's so frustrating! I need to find some sort of system-any suggestions?

Its a fun, chilled out day, but I must get to work! If you want, come on over and help! Just don't judge me because of my yucky house! On to Ansy's room...

4 comments: said...

i can't get motivated either about cleaning or Christmas. if you come up w/ a solution, let me know. must get moving now.

kim p

Anonymous said...

ginger, i'll come see you! when do you want me to come over. tomorrow is mothers day out, i have a whole morning to myself.

Missy said...

Closets are our enemies!
Thanks for helping out was good to see you again.

Crissy said...

You know... I've never been to your house. Not even once. Poor me.