Monday, December 24, 2007

Deep Thoughts by Ansley Grace

The highlight of our Christmas thus far is the funny things our 2-yr old has blurted out this morning!

Ansley's dramatic rendition of the Big Bad Wolf in Three Little Pigs-
"I'll puff....and I'll puff....and PUFF! And I'll blow your house UP!"

Later, we were talking about a Woody Woodpecker DVD they got for Christmas. And she yells in a serious voice "Woody Pecker is a man!!!" We're not sure where that came from, but Trace and I died laughing!

Just wanted to share a little Christmas cheer from our house to yours! Merry Christmas!


MattD said...

SOOO many ways I could go with that...BUT I'll keep my mouth shut and move on...funny though

Paige M said...

2 year olds say the funniest things. As I type this, Carson is downstairs yelling, "Mama, where is you?". Remind me to tell you about the microphone story........