Friday, December 14, 2007

O HaPpY dAy!

So far, this has been a great day! I love Fridays! Today, me and "little sista" have been taking it slow and easy. We went walking this morning and it was very enjoyable. She pushed her baby around the block in her stroller and I just walked and talked with her. We saw birds("Baby birds!" She calls everything a baby)and picked flowers-"yellow flower that smells like strawberries". Ah, to be in a 2 yr old's world! I ventured in that world today. I was able to pray on our walk, thanking Him for the day and my precious wee lad and lass (Scottish lingo) and telling Him my fears, and being calmed.

Later, we trekked off to the bank (land of lollipops) and to Wal-Mart. That was just a time-wasting trip, but I did get some yummy croissants for my Nutella. ("Yeah, Baby" in a Austin Powers voice). She was so sweet and fun to be with all day-I love it!

Santa Claus called last night and the kids were so excited. Cully kept answering every question with "Yes, Sir" which was so precious. Then, Ansy talked to him and she was smiling from ear to ear! After they hung up, she was running through the house screaming "He's coming!" She was very glad to tell Santa she wanted Cinderella toys!

Tonight, me and my husband on going on a date! Can you say "Parents Night Out" at the church?! Can you say Free Babysitting?!!!! Yeah, thanks Steve Morgan! Trace and I have our 8th Anniversary on Dec. 18 so this is our celebration night. We planned on going to Gatlinburg next weekend, but just like most other plans in my life, that one got changed. I was not happy, had a pity party, but I'm better now. We've rescheduled it, so we'll see if we can go this summer. I've never been to Gatlinburg in the summer.

Well,enough rambling. I'm off to clean my house and get ready for my hot date...


Anonymous said...

I second that O HAPPY DAY! Thank you Jesus for Parents Night. We are going to PF Changs. I made reservations for two. Now, I have been throwing all my clothes on our bed trying to find something to wear. I'm such a freak. Good grief your kids are so CUTE! I love Cully being polite with the "yes sir". Fabulous. And Ansy, well, are there words really for her. Precious, yes that comes to mind. I am loving your babies too!

Paige M said...

Don't you love it when all the stars align just right and you have a perfect day with you kids!? I think I could have many more days like that if I'd just chill out sometimes and really enjoy them!

MattD said...

The other day I got home and Heather says she's going by your house to drop something off..we'll I'm waiting and waiting, and more waiting and as I'm calling her she finally pulls I'm concerned wondering what took so long. I find out you two are online reading my blog and I'm thinking "at" or "with"...hmmm not a good feeling...

MattD said...

and if you can't tell I'm being very sarcastic...

Amber said...

Oh, happy anniversary Ginger! Ours is Dec 19! And we went to Gatlinburg on our honeymoon 9 years ago!! I am also all about that parent's night out--thanks all the folks who kept the kids. It was a blast!