Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Scary Poinsettias!

Ok, I have this cute, funky little ornament that I got in Fairhope a few years ago that I like. Its an elf with a poinsettia around her face. Well, as we are decorating the tree, my precious boy tells me that he's scared of the "scary flower girl". Well, I laugh because its obviously a poinsettia with legs and arms- what's to be scared of? Well, he's scared and he won't walk by the tree even to go in the kitchen while she's up. So, I take her down and he asked me to sell her in our yard sale. She off she goes to the yard sale pile. Then, because I'm clearly a horrible mother, as he's walking into the kitchen, cautiously by the yard sale pile, I say "Watch out for Crazy Poinsettia Girl!" (Ok, remember the Saturday Night Live skit-in an Adam Sandler voice-"I'm Crazy Stapler Man! Gimme some candy!") Well, he melts into a puddle in the floor, crying over Crazy Poinsettia Girl. He gets over it, so a couple of days later..... I make a centerpiece for my dining room table that's a basket with a poinsettia on it. He comes up to me and says "Why did you put that scary flower on the basket? You know I don't like that." So, we have to go through the whole "Poinsettias are a REAL flower, that God made, and they bloom at Christmas time. Its the elf with it around her head that is unnatural and might have scared you" talk. Well, he's getting better, but when Ansley comes across CPG and plays with her he still gets a little freaked. Here's a picture of Crazy Poinsettia Girl- sorry its blurry, but I wanted you to get the full effect.


Anonymous said...

Ginger you are bad! But I think I would have done the same thing. I will side with Cully and say that is a freaky looking ornament. I do not like weird dolls and things, like dolls made from Amish people. They don't have faces. Freaky!

Paige M said...