Monday, October 1, 2007

Faith Like a Child

My heart is full tonight, as the children are nestled all snug in their beds, I reflect on them. We have some sweet babies. Its so neat to see what all they can absorb, like learning about God. At our church, we teach the Westminster Shorter Catechism for Children starting at age 2. Ansley can answer the first three questions after only a month in Wed night classes! For those of you who aren't familiar with it:
  1. Who made you? A: GOD!
  2. What else did God make? A: EVERYTHING!
  3. Why did God make you and all things? A: FOR HIS OWN GLORY!

Ansy's answer for #3 is "God...Glory!" Close enough! I'm amazed that a tiny little wisp of a girl at age 2 can tell me that! Cully can go up to like #25 or something! More than I can do!

By God's goodness and grace, I was brought up in a home where there was never a doubt God was real and He loves me. My children, being Covenant children, are experiencing the same. I am so excited that they are getting such a great foundation! Cullen thinks about spiritual things quite a bit. The other day he prayed for the folks in England and Scotland who don't know Jesus, so he's getting a bit of a clue to what we've been doing. And last night, with a heavy heart, he asked if a family we know "will go to where Satan lives". He just notices differences in them from his own family. I love to hear them pray for others.

If it sounds like I'm bragging on my kids, well, maybe I am a little. But, really, I'm bragging on my God because He is so awesome to instill in small children such a faith and love of Him. They have fallen parents and I'm still not sure why He's entrusted us to His little children. Sometimes I think its to show me my own sin, because unfortunately they are little mirrors. I'm just thankful He let us have a hand in bringing up two of His precious ones.

But Jesus said" Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 19:14


Kim said...

Sweet blog, with matching music. I love "Baby Mine". Tears in my eyes. Silas always asks "is so-and-so my covenant brother?". I love that he asks that.

Laura said...

Love your description of Ansley -- "tiny little wisp of a girl." Perfect picture of her. And I love the story about her catechism. So beautiful.

Kim said...

Hello. Where are you?

Anonymous said...

precious post, ginger. really beautiful. i got all tingly reading it!