Thursday, October 11, 2007

Going Home

This past weekend me and kids took a little road trip to my hometown, Woodbury, TN. Population: 2,400 or so. It was a nice visit. The drive up there was beautiful, got to see mountains and turning leaves. Had a nice visit with my cousin Cheryl. She brought her son Cason over to play and we had some interesting conversations. Friday night we went to my old high school's football game, my cousin Tyler plays. Cully was decked out in Cannon County Lions sweatshirt, hat and cow bell. He loves Tyler and was so excited to see him play. They won like 35-0, so it was exciting!
I'm always a little afraid to run into people I haven't seen in a long time. I ran into a lot of family and aquaintences, but no old friends. Kind of bummed, kind of relieved. However, when we were outside playing before the game, my high school/college sweetheart drove by. I kind of wish that happened in reverse-that I could see him and see what he looks like and how he is when he can't see me, instead of him driving by and waving and I couldn't see him. Silly, I guess. Well, Cheryl-if you're reading this-tell Brian I said "Hello" next time you see him!

Saturday we walked around town with my Grandmother. That was fun, looking in antique shops and getting Cully's hair cut. My GM had surgery on her foot Tuesday, so that was her last hooray for a while. That night, she kept the kids while my mom & I went furniture shopping for her new house. We shopped around and ate out. Fun times.

Sunday I got to take Granny Ruth (my dad's mom) to her church for Founder's Day. She hasn't been back to church since her broken hip in March, so she was glad I could drive her and she could show off the babies. I haven't been there in years-old, country church with such a warm family atmosphere. My granny spoke, along with others, then a good potluck lunch and singing afterward. We opted out of the singing-the kids (and me) were getting kind of tired and cranky. So, we made it back home just in time for Community group at the Davis's. What fun!


Kim said...

Isn't it very interesting going home? I grew up in Orlando, but still secretly dread going to the Mall (or other public place) because I'm afraid I'll see someone I know. Why is that?

Paige M said...

Hummm.........I can't even go to Wal Mart without seeing poeple I went to preschool with! :)

heather said...

I love going homeliving my whole life so close to family I never got to miss them now I do. Also Grandparents are so great.