Monday, September 24, 2007

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

I saw this on Crissy's blog and it inspired me to do my own!
30 of My Favorite Things:
  1. Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
  2. snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Ok, just kidding. That was for Quinn-I'm sure Sound of Music is high on your list of favorite musicals, right?

Now, uh umm, for my real favorites:

  1. The ocean
  2. Odom family dinners
  3. Seeing my children being adorable and feeling proud that they are mine!
  4. Tiny babies
  5. Fireplaces
  6. Reruns of "Friends"
  7. Sitting in a coffee shop with my husband
  8. Being with my friends in any setting
  9. Chocolate in any form
  10. My church, my job at the church and the fellas I work with
  11. sweatshirt and jeans in the Fall
  12. Hearing my children pray
  13. Being a woman, being pregnant and giving birth
  14. Watching the Travel Channel
  15. Cuddling with Cullen on school mornings-neither of us are morning people, so we both just sit and stare into space for about 15 minutes
  16. Really good Italian food
  17. Communicating with my baby girl-finally being able to understand some of what she says, especially when she says Playdough ("Pelldoe") and "Yes" very properly when you ask her a question
  18. A fresh and clean house with candles lit (Haven't had that the way I like it in 4 yrs!)
  19. Everything in my hope chest-wedding dress, family heirlooms, love letters from Trace, baby clothes,etc...
  20. Being a child of God and knowing there's nothing I can do to change that!
  21. Landscapes of Scotland and England, especially castles!
  22. Trace's sense of style and how he looks in a good pair of jeans
  23. Being my children's favorite person in the whole wide world
  24. Making desserts, and eating them!
  25. House plans and decorating ( I studied Interior Design and Drafting in college)
  26. Fresh, crisp white sheets on a bed
  27. Brand new pack of paper
  28. Shopping
  29. Getting sucked into a good book and realizing that I do love to read afterall (but only a very few books have done that for me)
  30. Seeing the Gospel change a person's life

That was fun! I should do that more often, counting your blessings is good for the soul!


Kim said...

Now I'm inspired to do my own. Love reading about other people's favorite things. Seriously, raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens are definitely some of my favorite things. White Christmas the movie... Oooh, I've got to do this.

Steven G Morgan said...

I agree with #22

Winna Winna Chicken Dinna

Crissy said...

I loved reading your favorite things. Thank you. I agreed with them all. Well, no comment on #22. I promise not to look too close.

PS Love your playlist.