Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Today was a good day! At 6am, making PB&J sandwiches for lunches, I wasn't so sure it would be good. I hate getting up so early, in fact, I just resent it! But I got the boy off to school and Ansy and I went to the church. Those guys at the church make me laugh-its always fun to go into the office! With Ansy at MDO, I went to Cully's school and talk to him during his lunch. He was Kid of the Day -best part for him was he got to be the line leader all day!

The peeps from church took me to lunch at Cracker Barrell, that was fun. Then, Kim offered to give me a pedicure! I think she's crazy and I warned her that I have rough, always barefoot(but not pregnant) Tennessee girl feet! Boy, she worked hard on them (picturing Dumb and Dumber during their pedicure when the lady pulled out the electric sander for his toenails). Now,that's a true friend! They are soft now! It was a lot of fun. She's always fun to hang out with-a girly-girl friend that you can be brutally honest with and she keeps you in stitches with her quick wit and unexpected comments! Kim, I know you must be excited thinking you're the center of this blog! :)

Well, I've got to get back to reality now and bathe the babes! Party's over! Thanks guys for a special day!


Paige M said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A day late and a dollar short, as the old saying goes! I'm glad it was fun!! So, another year before you join the ranks of the 30-somethings! I think most of us have decided to stop having birthdays and wait on you!

Dollar General said...

Happy Birthday! Glad you had a GREAT day!!

Jessica said...

Happy late birthday Ginger! If I had been there, I would have sanded down your toenails...does that mean I can be the subject of your next blog? :) Kidding. I'm glad you had fun, wish I could have been there to celebrate!

Crissy said...

Happy Birthday, Ginger. I'm glad your day was fun. Being with the fellas always makes me laugh. Well, not always, but most of the time. But not if you're making them late from lunch or requiring work from them or things like that, then they're not very fun at all. Not like us... we whistle while we work. Right? ;o)

Kim said...

Girl, don't you know it's always about me?