Saturday, February 3, 2007

So, you think you know me?

4 Jobs I've had:
  1. Sales Associate
  2. Banker
  3. "Domestic Engineer"
  4. Children's Ministry Director

4 Places I've lived:

  1. Woodbury, TN
  2. Fairhope, AL
  3. Nashville, TN
  4. Moody, AL

4 things I'd rather be doing:

  1. Travelling through Europe
  2. shopping (with money to spend)
  3. at the beach
  4. drinking a breve at a coffee shop

4 things I'd watch over and over:

  1. Dumb and Dumber
  2. All episodes of "Friends"
  3. Our wedding video
  4. Hmm...I'll have to think about this a little more

4 things you may not know about me:

  1. With hopes of going overseas as missionaries, we are currently in contact with 8 different countries
  2. I can be very quirky about food(especially chunks of fruit, but the rules change constantly)
  3. I hate to read, although I secretly wish I loved it (the phrase "curl up with a good book" has never been in my vocabulary)
  4. I am really enjoying learning to cook from scratch (and I've noticed I bake more when I feel stressed)

Note: I wanted to have a "Favorite Foods" category, but I can't narrow it down to just four. However, I think anything chocolate and anything covered in cheese would just about cover it!

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