Friday, February 2, 2007

I had the hardest time coming up with a name for my blog. I wasn't going to even have a blog. My friends all do and I love reading them, but I wasn't sure I had anything to say that I wanted posted on the internet. But, the more I thought about, the more I wanted one. I feel this could be something just for me. Seems like sometimes I forget I have a personality, thoughts and interests. They seem to get lost somewhere between correcting my children, cleaning and figuring out what to make for dinner.
I thought of lots of names, but settled on Amazing Grace because it is the most beautiful thing I know. It is beautiful to me for so many reasons, but they all come back to one reason-the grace I've been shown by my Lord. My daughter's middle name is Grace, because I want her to be reminded everyday of God's grace. Amazing Grace has always been my favorite hymn, even before I understood what it meant. I sang it to my babies while they were in the womb, and it still comforts them even now! To me, I think of grace and its beauty like closing your eyes and taking a deep breath of fresh air. That's what I hope this blog will do for me, too. When I'm done writing, I hope I won't over-analyze what I wrote, but take a deep breath and think "That's what I wanted to say."

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