It is 8:45pm. My husband is out with friends, eating curry. My children are in bed. I am in bed. *sigh* A night to myself so I can read, blog, watch TV, whatever I want! I choose to get under the covers and get online.
As I'm typing, there are so many things going through my head. Things I need to do, should have already done, things I'd like to do. Here's my list:
* I think I will go workout in the morning, then head straight to the library for their book sale!
* I really need to pay a couple of bills. I should do that. Right after the book sale.
* I need to go turn off the mp3. Ansley fell asleep listening to Act of Congress and I can hear it still playing...
* I need to find curtains for our bedroom. I shall look online tonight.
* I must plan a meeting for Children's Ministry! Eek!
* Thank cards. Thank you cards. Thank you cards. Thank you cards. Thank you cards.
* I should finish the blog I started two weeks ago about two ladies I have met at school, Laura and Katherine.
* Friday morning is parents' coffee morning at the school. I forgot last time, wearing workput clothes, no shower, icky. I need to remember so I can shower and at least look like a normal person, so people would want to talk to me!
Which makes me think about a little boy in Cullen's class. He asked Cullen the other day if he was a Christian. Cullen said yes and the little boy said he was too. I told Cully that he should make good friends with that boy, because there are probably few believers in his class or school for that matter! I thought that was so sweet!
Today in RE class (that's Religious Education) Cullen got so upset because a child in his class said some very offensive things about Jesus. The teacher took Cullen out in the hall to calm him down, because he spoke up and was upset by what the child said. She explained to him that people have different beliefs and said next time he can share what he believes about Jesus. This should be interesting...
Please pray for my family, my children, my husband, our ministry. Although we are adjusting well, its still hard and we are being tried and tested. We feel helpless to do what all needs to be done here, but have so much hope, because we know we are not doing it in our strength. Praise the Lord!