Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Traditional English Christmas

This morning, I was curious of what people in England were doing today and what traditions will I learn about in my future home. As suspected, there is not a lot of difference than America, but here are a few interesting points. Also, check out the Queen's Message...

On Christmas Eve, children leave Father Christmas a snack of mince pies and brandy, sherry or milk, and a carrot for his reindeer. Much better than our cookies and milk, I must say!

A Traditional Christmas Dinner
Roast Turkey (Henry VIII was the 1st person to have turkey on Christmas)
Brussels Sprouts
Nutty Stuffing
Cranberry Sauce
Roast Potatoes
Parsnips and Swede

Mince Pies- (mince fruit pies)
Christmas Pudding- brown pudding with raisins and cherries, served w/ brandy sauce

Many people go to church on Christmas Day to sing carols and celebrate the birth of Jesus. More people attend church on this day than any other during the year.

The Queen's Message is broadcast every Christmas Day on radio and television at 3pm. Click here to watch this year's message.

Tomorrow is Boxing Day...

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