Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12 Loves of Christmas

Here's a list of 12 things I love about Christmas- in no certain order...

12. Long breaks from school and work

11. Holiday Drinks: Egg Nog and Apple Cider

10. Picking out the perfect gift for my children

9. Family dinners= yummy food + laughing with family

8. Teaching my children about giving and receiving

7. Grandmother's Date Nut Balls and other foods I only get at Christmas

6. The glow of the Christmas tree in the evening

5. Santa's White Christmas coffee from Barnies

4. parties with my best friends

3. decorating and wrapping gifts

2. Reading the Christmas Story and Night Before Christmas

1. Reflecting on the greatest Gift af all- JESUS


Missy said...

Good list :)
I agree!
Well except for maybe the date balls

heather said...

Yeah not into date balls, but no raisins in oatmeal cookies? Go figure. And remembering Jesus is what I am trying to remind myself of most of all.