Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day

When I hear "Boxing Day", I always thought of a bunch of guys with boxing gloves ready to duke it out. I learned yesterday that's not really what it is.

Boxing Day, traditionally, is a day to share with the poor. An Alms Box was placed in the church on Christmas Day, into which worshippers placed a gift for the poor of the parish. These boxes were opened the day after Christmas, which is why its known as Boxing Day. Cool, huh?

Other Boxing Day traditions:

Boxing Day Hunt: Horse riders in red & white riding gear, accompanied by a number of foxhounds, chase a fox through the countryside.
In Nov 2004, MPs voted a ban hunting w/ dogs in England & Wales. As from Feb 18, 2005 hunting w/ dogs became a criminal offense. Although it is still legal to exercise hounds, chase a scent and flush out foxes to be shot. Hmmm...that makes sense.

Many families watch sports, play board games or take a walk through the countryside together.

And just like any good holiday, its gone completely away from how it was intended due to greed of man, and is now a big shopping day! Lots of Brits spend their early morning in queues (lines), waiting to be first through the doors.
What used to be a day off for the lower class, to help the lower class, is now a work day for them in the shops so everyone else can spend money. Sad, really.

I enjoyed learning about Boxing Day and look forward to celebrating it in the future!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Traditional English Christmas

This morning, I was curious of what people in England were doing today and what traditions will I learn about in my future home. As suspected, there is not a lot of difference than America, but here are a few interesting points. Also, check out the Queen's Message...

On Christmas Eve, children leave Father Christmas a snack of mince pies and brandy, sherry or milk, and a carrot for his reindeer. Much better than our cookies and milk, I must say!

A Traditional Christmas Dinner
Roast Turkey (Henry VIII was the 1st person to have turkey on Christmas)
Brussels Sprouts
Nutty Stuffing
Cranberry Sauce
Roast Potatoes
Parsnips and Swede

Mince Pies- (mince fruit pies)
Christmas Pudding- brown pudding with raisins and cherries, served w/ brandy sauce

Many people go to church on Christmas Day to sing carols and celebrate the birth of Jesus. More people attend church on this day than any other during the year.

The Queen's Message is broadcast every Christmas Day on radio and television at 3pm. Click here to watch this year's message.

Tomorrow is Boxing Day...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Celebrating Nine Years

Here's to nine wonderful years and a long, happy life together...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12 Loves of Christmas

Here's a list of 12 things I love about Christmas- in no certain order...

12. Long breaks from school and work

11. Holiday Drinks: Egg Nog and Apple Cider

10. Picking out the perfect gift for my children

9. Family dinners= yummy food + laughing with family

8. Teaching my children about giving and receiving

7. Grandmother's Date Nut Balls and other foods I only get at Christmas

6. The glow of the Christmas tree in the evening

5. Santa's White Christmas coffee from Barnies

4. parties with my best friends

3. decorating and wrapping gifts

2. Reading the Christmas Story and Night Before Christmas

1. Reflecting on the greatest Gift af all- JESUS

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What He Has Shown Me Today

We've been studying about repentence in a bible study for the past couple of weeks.
I really see God like an earthly father, which can be good and bad, I suppose. The good part is that since I haven't had a father since I was seven, I feel very close to God in that since. He has always felt very real, very close. But, then there's the bad part. As I ponder on it, I realize there are times in my life where I revert back to being a teenager, like I'm dealing with an earthly father. I will try to talk Him into doing what I want or rebelling against him and just hoping that He'll let it slide and not bother me too much about it. Where's the reverence? Isn't He so much better than that? Does He not think better of me than to just "let it slide". Can intimacy occur withour respect? I don't think so.

Here's a quote:
"Fears the Lord". Reverence might be a better word. Awe. The Bible isn't interested in whether we believe in God or not. It assumes that everyone more or less does. What it is interested in is the response we have toward Him. Will we let God be as He is, majestic and holy, vast and wonderous, or will we always be trying to whittle Him down to the size of our small minds, insist on confining Him within the boundaries we are comfortable with, refuse to think of him other than in images that are convenient to our lifestyle."
-Eugene Peterson

I have been asking God to show me my sin, and in the midst of that, He is showing me more about Him. He is so good...