Saturday, April 26, 2008

Chillaxin' and Givin' Props

Mmmm, its Saturday afternoon in my clean house, with nothing to do but chillaxicate.(That would be a traceonics term) I got one baby who is splish-splashing in the tub and the other is in bed not feeling well. Cully has complained off and on about not feeling well, played soccer kinda sluggish and now is in bed. Poor thing. My house is pretty and clean- just screaming "Someone, please come buy me!" I'd just be happy with some lookers! Trace is helping his parents today, so he won't be home until supper time. Hmmm, what can I do with my day at home? Lots I COULD do, but what do I WANT to do? Days like this used to bother me. I like being busy, productive and efficient so a day with no plans would drive me crazy. But, now I'm starting to like them. Too bad Ansley is not taking naps anymore...

I must give props to Pastor G- The other day I had a kitchen sink crisis and he came over and fixed it! This is NOT to say "Call G for all your plumbing needs",because he'd kill me but I was very thankful he was willing to come over and get his hands dirty to help a sister out! And that's not a figure of speech- he really got his hands dirty! My new name for him is All Purpose Pastor!
Living out the Gospel= Getting clogs out of someone else's pipes with your bare hands! Thank you soooo much!


j_webb said...

Great name ....haha.
G-Luv, the all purpose pastor in da hizz-ouse!
Hey, do you offer your house lookers cake and coffee or cookies or sumpn? 'Cause I'd be glad to stop on by and look and chillaxicate for a spell. :-)

Ginger said...

Heck yeah, I'll give you cake if you buy my house! All day long!

Or ya'll could just come over for a visit and I'll still give you coffee and dessert!