Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Better the Second Time

I'm sitting here, utterly exhausted after my four hours of sleep, since I went to the midnight premiere of Twilight. After we took the kids to the in-laws this morning, we went Christmas shopping and then to see Twilight...AGAIN!

I do not want to discourage anyone from seeing it, but the first time I was upset. The reality is that a movie is never as good as the movie that plays in your head while your reading the book. I had my own idea of Edward, Bella, the Cullens, the action scenes and I think if the director could see inside my head it would have been awesome! I went back today, because I was determined to feel better about it. I don't like being upset with the Cullen family, since I feel like I'm apart of it. So, I had to mend what was broken and give Edward a chance to redeem himself. And he did. I feel better now. I liked it since I went in kind of knowing what to expect, removing my own HUGE expectations.

Trace was very sweet to sit through the girl movie and he liked it ok. He wished there would have been more ripping of flesh.

Thanks, girls, for making last night so fun! Especially Whitney and Virge for the lovely gifts that made it extra special. Sorry I ranted...


Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun with your hubby and enjoyed the movie. I ordered the book yesterday so now I can become a crazy person too. Yay!

Crissy said...

I'm soooooo happy! Wanna see it again with me? I find it extremely unfair that you've seen it twice and I've only seen it once.

Missy said...

You make me laugh and smile.
I'm glad you have redeemed it, but I still want to go back with you again.

Anonymous said...

I will see it again and hope for the different outcome too. The fan blowing her hair in Biology just did me in. I could not keep it together after that. But I'm willing to give it another try.

Ginger said...

You cannot deny the cheese in this movie! Its true! But, there are good parts too, so you take the good with the bad. I will see it again in between Crissy and Missy, they will point out ONLY good things and I'll be happy.

MattD said...

I'm usually the first to know about sci fi books...but I have know idea about this's seems like everyone has read this book, except me. is it a girlie book?