Thursday, November 13, 2008

Help! I'm Being Held Hostage by Vampires!

Sorry, I haven't been blogging lately. I am definetly waaaaayyy too preoccupied with reading the Twilight series...

Seeing the movie in 7 days, perhaps then I can get on with my life.


Missy said...

Actually your seeing the movie in 4 days!!!!

heather said...

I am praying for your soul my friend and that the vampires will release you. If they don't I will have to rescue you from the dark side. I know don't say it Edward is not bad he is just a sweet vampire. Maybe you need to be de-brain washed by one of those cult intervention people.

April Brown said...

I need to talk to you...i've been held hostage too and I need some perspective :) Seriously...i'm not kidding! I have no idea how to get in touch with you so please email me at adluvsjb at hotmail dot com!!