Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Remember this: you have the privilege of passing on to young hearts a knowledge of the very character of God, and that, ladies, is worth getting totally exhausted for." -Jani Ortlund.

I took this quote from a friend's facebook status to post here, because I cannot stop thinking about it. Sometimes I think about it too late, once I've already condemned my child or was easily frustrated. But it moves me to apologize.
I have been meditating on it the last couple of days. This thought motivates me when its just easier to say "No' because I don't want to play that game or I'm tempted to let that bad behavior slide.
Praise the Lord that He gently guides us and teaches us, without condemnation. May I be able to show this example.


Missy said...

Love that Gingerhoo! Really!

Chef Bolyar-D said...

Amen Sista! It's true that your kids become little 'yous', good :) and bad :( Thank goodness for Grace and Forgiveness and Mercy!!