Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Destin" to Relax

We went to Destin, FL for a few days for a much needed vacation! We had a blast!

We went to the beach some, but spent most of our time at "Big Buhunas"(actually Big Kahunas, but since that's how Cully says it, then the whole family lovingly refers to it that way). We spent two whole days at that water park and it really surprises me we don't have one picture to show for it!

Yes, Cully really is driving the car and no, he's not watching the road! Pops is pressing the gas but Cully had the wheel as we drove back to the condo from the beach! We weren't on a major highway, just inside the complex where we were staying but are no doubt putting cars, trees and pedestrians at risk! We got a lot of stares and points as we drove by, trying to act normal, ya know, as if my 4 year old wasn't really driving the car.

We saw some beautiful scenery and boats!

Trace's parents (a.k.a. "Mimi and Pops")
For Cullen and Ansley, life's always a beach with Mimi and Pops! Don't they just look wild and crazy?!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Scotty & Lisa's Wedding

Last weekend, our sweet friends Scotty & Lisa got married in Fairhope, AL and we were privileged to be apart of it. Trace and Cullen were both in it-here are my two handsome men in their tuxedos...

Cullen did such a great job as ring bearer and he LOVED his tux! He was very proud to be in the wedding!

At the reception, Cullen and Ansley cut a rug!!

Scotty and Cully dancing
We had a great time!

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Do you have have those moments where you hear something that you've heard over and over in your life, but this time it clicks? The light comes on. I had one of those moments today. I heard a great sermon at church this morning about having a thirst for Christ, scripture was from John 7:37-39. We are given a thirst for God, so He is the only one who can satisfy it. We have a thirst, but more often than not we go to other places to drink, empty wells. We think they may fill us for a little while, but not really. Man, I see that so much in my life! I may worry about finances and look at my savings account, my safety net to feel better. I may struggle with my parenting skills and compare myself with others for an ego boost. Rarely do I go to God first, maybe second or third when I'm still hurting. I'm starting to learn. Lately, He has stripped away alot and I have felt very open and vulnerable, naked and like I'm in His hand floating way above land. If I fall, I die, but I won't really fall. He won't let me. Instead, He'll show me that He has the control and the power, in a strong, but loving way. I have really come to terms with saying "I don't know what's going to happen, but I trust you Lord and am totally reliant on You to provide all that we need and steer us in the right direction."

Here's the lightbulb moment: we had communion after the service. I love communion and think its a beautiful picture of Christ, but I usually have a hard time connecting with it. Today, I took it with confidence saying "I still admit there is nothing I can do and I have no doubt You will come through for our family and complete the good work You started in us. You gave all You have to me, and You are all I have and all I really need." We are all very thirsty people, but praise God He gives us living water- the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us!