Do you have have those moments where you hear something that you've heard over and over in your life, but this time it clicks? The light comes on. I had one of those moments today. I heard a great sermon at church this morning about having a thirst for Christ, scripture was from John 7:37-39. We are given a thirst for God, so He is the only one who can satisfy it. We have a thirst, but more often than not we go to other places to drink, empty wells. We think they may fill us for a little while, but not really. Man, I see that so much in my life! I may worry about finances and look at my savings account, my safety net to feel better. I may struggle with my parenting skills and compare myself with others for an ego boost. Rarely do I go to God first, maybe second or third when I'm still hurting. I'm starting to learn. Lately, He has stripped away alot and I have felt very open and vulnerable, naked and like I'm in His hand floating way above land. If I fall, I die, but I won't really fall. He won't let me. Instead, He'll show me that He has the control and the power, in a strong, but loving way. I have really come to terms with saying "I don't know what's going to happen, but I trust you Lord and am totally reliant on You to provide all that we need and steer us in the right direction."
Here's the lightbulb moment: we had communion after the service. I love communion and think its a beautiful picture of Christ, but I usually have a hard time connecting with it. Today, I took it with confidence saying "I still admit there is nothing I can do and I have no doubt You will come through for our family and complete the good work You started in us. You gave all You have to me, and You are all I have and all I really need." We are all very thirsty people, but praise God He gives us living water- the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us!