I have fallen off the blogger horse. Do I want to climb back on? Sure, why not? This is a new phase in my life- both of children are in school and I fill my days helping raise our remaining support, reading, running errands, exercising and packing to move. Packing is hard to do because we don't have a moving date, so occasionally I'll drop something in a box that I'm tired of looking at (usually the donate box) or work my way through a stack of papers. No real goal in mind, except to take as little as possible with us to England.
I mentioned reading. I'm reading three books at the moment. Yes, me, the girl who HATED to read just a few short years ago. The girl who would find ways of doing book reports without actually reading the book. The girl who graduated college with a 3.75 and never read a whole book all the way through. Yep, that's me. But, now, I feel an overwhelming urge to learn and prepare for the ministries God has called us to: our children and Brits (those who know Christ and those who don't). And I'm reading for my own spiritual vitality, because the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. (Stop and think about that one for a minute!)
What books, you ask?
The Reason For God by Timothy Keller - this book asks the questions people wonder most about Christianity. It gives good arguments for both sides, but its all about loving and listening to those who question, and hopefully you will have the opportunity share the Gospel!
Our Covenant with Kids by Dr. Timothy A. Sisemore- a fabulous book about nurturing children within a Christian, covenantal framework
Surrender by Nancy Leigh DeMoss- a bible study about surrendering every part of you to God
I desperately want to read a good fiction book, but I must take a big chunk out of my book list first!
I'd like to record this phase of my life, so I thought its a good time to share my thoughts and feelings, joys and struggles on my blog again. Because I bought a journal about 2 years ago to record our support raising journey and still haven't written in it. So, don't be surprised if I'm inconsistent!