Recently, I have discovered that I do like to read. I never enjoyed it growing up, but I guess I just never found the right books. I haven't been bitten by the reading bug yet, where I am anxiously looking for the next book I'm going to read, but I have been reading The Thirteenth Tale since Friday and I can't put it down! Yeah, I know its Monday night and I'm about halfway through it, but its a long book! Really! I read in the mornings when I get up and stay up late at night reading, completely ignoring my husband. Poor thing. I think about the story all day and can't wait to read more, fighting the urge while doing my housework. I have friends who can read big books in two days, but I'm a slow reader I guess.
Sometimes I feel like I'm just finding out things about myself, even though I'm 28 years old. Has that happened to anyone else out there or am I just a late bloomer? Over the last year, I've noticed I'm more comfortable in my own skin. I know that the more I see the wretched failure that I am, the more I see how anything good in me was put there by God! I realize its not me and I have come to terms with that. I am thankful that the Lord has put me in a place with people who I can be honest about myself because they are honest about their shortcomings as well. There is such a freedom in that! He has given out family trials to teach us these things, but we haven't been alone in our struggles. He has put people around us that are going through some of the same things and are willing to be honest about it, so we can support each other. I am so thankful for the true family and community we've found in our friends.
I'm not sure how all of that came from my story about enjoying a new book. I guess all of that was just in my heart and I needed to share it.