Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank You Cleaning Fairies!

Yesterday I got a visit from the cleaning fairies! Paige and Heather came over and gave me an outsider's prospective of my house, ya know, the things you don't notice because you see it everyday. We put our house on the market yesterday, sign's out front. There wasn't alot of heavy duty work to do, but it was nice that they noticed little things I neglect and cleaned them. Heather cleaned my stove top, which I hate to clean, they cleaned baseboards and door trim, dusted towel racks and t.p. holders. Paige even cleaned around the toilets, now that's the mark of a true friend!

Anyway, we had some coffee (and hot tea for Heather-the poor soul who doesn't enjoy java) and lunch, talked alot and cleaned. It's funny that just having someone here can motivate you enough to get things accomplished. My house is sparkling and smells like Windex all over! I love it! Now, let the potential buyers come pouring in!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dreams and God's Provision

Today we had missionary,Paula, speaking at the church. She's a lovely and interesting woman. She shared with us at lunch about her life in a sensitive area of the Middle East where she serves. You can tell how she's content with God's called her to do, loving the people. She had some great stories and gave Trace and me some encouragement. One thing I find so interesting is the way our God intervenes in someones life to bring them to Himself. She told of so many people having dreams where Jesus comes to them. Missionaries to Muslims in London told us the same thing. They've had people come to them because Jesus came to them in their dreams and tell them who to talk to about the Truth and interesting things like that. It must have something to do with their culture and beliefs, where they will listen to dreams. In our society, that doesn't happen. We don't ever listen to our dreams. So, God speaks to us in different ways. I really think that's interesting because I've heard so many stories like that in the past year, mostly dealing with Muslims, but not in every case.

Hearing that reminded me to preach the Gospel to myself again today. I struggle with God's provision in my life, although He's always provided. But each time a need arises, I still look up and say Why are you doing this? What am I'm supposed to be learning and why do I need too? In a very whiny sort of attitude. Lord, I'm tired. I'm trying to do all You want me to, can't you just cut me some slack? Can't you just make this road a little easier? We have so many needs right now-looking ahead. We need a car for Trace to drive to work, we need to sell our house and have an inexpensive place to live while raising support, we need $10,000 per month to go to England... The list could really go on if I sat here and thought about it, but I won't because I'd only get depressed! Anyway, I figure if He's giving people dreams to bring them to Himself, surely He will give us what we need. We are His children, He has called us to a task, and He promised to see it through. He has to do it all, and He already has! That's the Gospel.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Random Thoughts From a Tired Mind

I'm completely overwhelmed right now. I can't think if my house is dirty and things are looming over me. I'm unorganized at a time in my life when I need to be very organized. AAHHHH!

Well, aside from that, Lost is about to come on! I'm totally hooked on Lost!

My children were so bad today! It seems like everyday here lately they behave badly. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I try to be consistent with discipline. I wonder if they sense stress or anticipate change. Or maybe they are just little sinners like the rest of us. They haven't had as much practice hiding their sins as we have I guess.

My vacuum cleaner has lost its suction. It sort of picks up stuff off the carpet, but it doesn't work with the hose at all. That's great, since I'm putting my house up for sale NEXT WEEK! And I don't want to buy a new vacuum since I'm selling my house and moving over seas. CRAP! Anybody out there have a extra working vacuum cleaner?

Ansley is potty training. She has done really well considering its the third day. She wore big girl panties all day, changed three pair and my house smells like pee-pee. But we are making progress! She went to the potty alot today and even told me whe needed to go several times. I REALLY want to stop buying diapers!

Hmmm, anymore random thoughts?
Yes, all the swirling things in my head that I need to do. I should start on them since 2 yr old is sleeping, but I'm so exhausted from the day, I don't wanna!

OH! Its 7:56, gotta get ready for my show! Over and out!

Jonathan's Journey

You can follow up with Rebecca, Keith and baby Jonathan on the blog they've cleverly created- Jonathan's Journey. There is a link over to the right! I'm so glad the Rays did this, so we can get daily updates and pictures of the little bitty man! Check it out!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jonathan Stephen Ray

Jonathan Stephen Ray was born last night at 10:49 pm, weighing 1lb. 14 oz. The latest update is Mommy and Baby are doing well! Please keep them in your prayers! Praise the Lord, His will is perfect!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Continue Prayer Urgently

Please continue to pray for the Rays. They were unable to stop labor at this time, so she may have her baby today, at 25 weeks. Please pray for the health of the baby as well as peace for Keith and Rebecca.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pray for Rebecca

Our dear friends, Keith and Rebecca Ray, are expecting their first, long-awaited child. At 25 weeks, she went into early labor and is now in stable condition at the hospital. They are trying to hold off labor as long as possible, of course, and she will be on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy. Please pray for Rebecca, Keith and their precious baby during this time. Thanks to our God who knows this child, is knitting him together in her womb and loves him beyond our imagination. He will sustain them and give them grace for the moment. May He be glorified in this situation.

Also, they will need meals for a while once they are home from the hospital. So, if you would like to take them a meal let me or Heather Davis know.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Is In the Air

Tea Time

My sweet husband surprised me with a wonderful Valentine's Day gift- a beautiful tea mug with infusor and lid and some fabulous English tea. I love it! I will be having "high tea" every afternoon. Care to join me?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What a Day, What a Day!

This morning started out all cozy in my bed, waking up on my own. Peacefully and well rested I look over at the clock...7:46 am! What! Ansley greets me at the side of my bed " Hey, Mama."

What's wrong with this? you ask...

Well...I'm supposed to be up at 6am, have some coffee and bible time before I get my little boy up and on the bus at 7:20. So, I race up, get Ansy situated with cartoons and breakfast and hit the showers. I was supposed to exercise this morning at 8:30. Nope. I have to be at Babs house at 9:30, so better get a move on!

Out to the van we go at 9:30 (notice the time) and there is snow! Not happy. I left my window down in the van ALL NIGHT, so there's snow and water all in my van! Get Cully to school and in the office is the much dreaded question by the office lady- "Why are we tardy today? Been to the Dr. this morning?" I feel like such a loser! "No, just got a late start." I said with a half grin.

Make it to Babs about 10:15 because I also have to pump gas in the blizzard, with a wet seat I might add because even sitting on a towel isn't helping!

After a lovely visit at Babs, I head off to 280 to Stein Mart and Michaels. I haven't endured enough punishment today, must go try on clothes and shop for board decorations with my sleepy, hungry 2 yr old. We make through Stein Mart, with a beautiful dress for $8.00! Yippee! Not so fortunate at Michaels. Couldn't find anything I needed and NO help from the winners they have working there. We leave with Ansley screaming and standing up in her stroller!

By this time, its 1:30 and my head is hurting because I'm STARVING! So, we go to Zaxby's for a quick, but pleasant enough lunch. Then, because I'm a total fool, we go to Hobby Lobby. Hey, I'm on a mission to find letters for our board and how often do I trek to 280? I get what I need, but not without Ansley spilling an entire cup of tea in the aisle, then lagging behind as I'm carrying the broken cup around trying to find an employee/trash can. Tea running down my arm, I go to front where the woman is completely discusted with us and we buy what we need after I warn her people may fall on Aisle 12. And of course, Ansley screams as we are leaving the store and everyone's eyes are on me AGAIN!

We race down 119 to make it home in time for Cully's bus, because I was running around Hobby Lobby knowing he'll be home in 45 min. That of course only added to the frustration. I have a migraine and spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch while my sweet little boy plays computer. Now I must go to bed...tomorrow is more of the same!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thoughts for Today

Where does my 2 yr old pick up these words like "stinkin' "?
"Where's my stinkin' paci?" she said as walked into the kitchen.

Why does my 5 yr old whine like a baby and talk back like a teenager?

Why do I spend my morning exercising and then come home and eat a big piece of chocolate pie?

Why is it so hard to clean the house and so easy to mess it up?

What's so great about Star Wars that we have to watch it all the time?

Where has all my creativity gone? I used to be very creative and crafty, but it seems being stressed, busy and tired all the time suppresses this. Or maybe its because I HAVE to do it, not because I want to. But its somehow such a challenge to write a newsletter or decorate a board.

Why do I not have anything to blog about? I come up with things sometimes, but never at the time to blog.

Why am I so stupid with the computer? I can't seem to figure anything out, unless it takes a million tries and it turns out to be so easy!

Why are the neighbor kids looking through the windows of my house? How annoying.

Why do I schedule a million things to do during the week? Then I overlap things and create such a problem!

Why is my life not more exciting, so I'd have cool things to blog about!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Late Night Coffee Buzz

Ok, so its 10:40 and I'm wide awake! I had 4 cups of coffee today, 2 cups after 7:30 pm at church, so there ya go! Caffeine used to not bother me. I could drink a Coke or cup of joe and go right to sleep. I'm getting old I guess. I'm not to the decaf stage yet though.

I just finished our taxes...for the 2nd time! I didn't like the outcome of the first go-around because our refund is not as big as I had expected, so I erased and started over! Still pretty much the same outcome, turns out they are right afterall. That stinks!

We're starting to feel better. Trace has been home for two days and that's been interesting. Tuesday I ran errands and totally over did it while he watch Ansley and felt terrible. Today, we pretty much fought over the computer all day. I have a system here during the day and he just puts a wrench in it. Are you with me ladies? I had fun with him here and we did get a lot of stuff done today as far as mission apps, emails, taxes, etc... but everytime I'd get up from the computer he'd get on it! Drives me crazy! We will need two computers when we are full time support raisers! I'm sure it drove him nuts too because we both had an agenda. Oh well. My husband is fun to be around anyway.

What else can I type about because I'm not sleepy? This is when I wish I had a friend over to watch a good movie and eat chocolate. (as I anxiously tap my fingers on the keyboard)

Tomorrow I'll be hanging out with Babs Foster, "my spiritual mother". I love that time because she's so fun and open. I've was discipled in college, but during this time in my life, where everything is new and constantly changing, I needed someone to talk to, pray with and just study God's Word with that is wise and comforting. The Lord has definetly blessed this relationship and I'm thankful for her! If you haven't signed up for Spiritual Mothering, I'd urge you to do so. Everyone needs that fellowship and accountability, especially with someone who's "been there, done that".

So, thinking about what to do on Feb 9th. Manfest is happening at Matt Davis' house and we need to get together as well!

Well, I guess now I'll go run laps around the outside of my house (umm...kidding). I feel kind of like the squirrell on Hoodwinked.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sleepy Ramblings

Today I'm getting over pneumonia, at least I hope I am. Yuck, this is no fun. I haven't slept well in about three nights. My back and chest hurt. My mom lovingly came Friday night when she heard I was sick and stayed all weekend! She took care of the kids and cooked and cleaned and even took C & A to the movies! I am so thankful for the help, especially since Trace had to work Saturday and he isn't feeling well either. I was in bed ALL day Saturday, so I couldn't have made it this weekend without her help! Thanks Mom!

Ansley woke up with night terrors last night about 2am. That is so stressful because she calls out for me, but when I come she scoots away like she is afraid. I assume she's still kind of asleep, and is completely out of control! She kicks and hits and screams and we don't know what to do! Before its all over, there is a big battle of wills. Then, after about 30-1hr she's calmly back in her bed and sleeps the rest of the night. I however couldn't go back to sleep.

Because of my sleepless night, I woke Cully up late for school. He can get ready pretty quick, but as he's putting on his shoes, his school bus drives by. Crap! So my poor baby, who doesn't handle stress well, ran after it with his clunky backpack. He was screaming and crying the whole way down the sidewalk! I felt so bad for him and luckily the driver saw him and waited. Thank you, Lord because I didn't feel like getting ready and taking him in this morning. He was very late on Friday (10:00 am) because I felt too bad to get ready. I had to take him since he missed a whole week for being sick. Anyway, pray my boy has a better day.

I am very excited about our community group! We got together for our 2nd meeting last night and two new couples came. The Cosbys and the Webbers have been visiting our church and they both live right down my street. Its neat to meet awesome people who were down the road all along and you never knew it! I realized I had at some point spoken to the Cosbys, seperately, in passing. Anyway, I hope they all continue to come! The Mealers are so fun, too! I'm really enjoying getting to know them! We missed the Arants and the Clarksons last night. Wow! Two weeks in and already a big group. I love how the Lord sets up ministries for you, even when you're not looking for them. I feel He is showing me another ministry to start at our church just through people He has put in my path. I am very excited, now I just need to figure out how to execute it! I wondered some how He'd use me in England and what good could I do there. He's showing me that He will put the ministry opportunities together, give me divine appointments with people and get His work done. Once again, I realize He is doing it all!